Jordyn XX

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I helped Chelsea off of my lap as she plonked down into the sofa. I moved down to the other end and made sure she was lying down comfortably on her back, her feet on my lap. I massaged her feet and her head tipped back to let out a pleasured groan.

"Come on, let's talk then." I coax.

"I was just thinking about what Amber said earlier. About you loving me." she started, making eye contact with me. I didn't feel awkward like I usually do with other people, but instead I felt warm and happy. I nodded for her to go on.

"Do you think it's too early for love yet?" she asked me.

"No, you can't help it when you live someone. Unfortunately, I love my sisters and Camilla. But don't tell her I said that." I joke, getting a chuckle from Chelsea, "And, I love,"

Suddenly everything feels hotter and tighter. My cheeks burn and my throat is closing. I feel like I should be sweating as sound is muffled and a ringing in my ear took its place while I looked Chelsea in her gorgeous, honey eyes.

"You. I love you." I finally say. Chelsea looks shocked. Her sweet eyes fixated on mine, mouth slightly agape as she processes my words.

"Wow. I wasn't expecting those words to have such an effect on me." Chelsea gasped.

"I guess the do because I mean them. I love you, Chels. And I know we haven't been together for very long but my emotions for you are strong." I tell.

"I love you too, Jordyn. And I want to scream it from the top of my lungs." Chelsea says.

A big smile form's on my face as I pull her in for a hug. I nestle my head into the crook of her neck as happy tears slid from my eyes. Then followed by a choked sob, followed by a very loud scream.

"What's going on?" Chelsea panicked as my breathing became faster and tears slid out more frequently. "Should I call someone? I'm gonna call someone." she said, pulling out her phone quickly and called someone.

"Amber? I think Jordyn's having a panic attack? Yes it's a question because I don't know! Okay, thank you. Love you, bye." I heard Chelsea say.

"Jordyn? Amber's gonna get Camilla to call Zoey, and they're all going to come here, okay? Just breathe." she cooed, stroking my hair as I collapsed onto the floor. Desperation for breath increases and suddenly every thing was too loud and too bright. It was all too much and I could feel everything closing in on me. My legs curled into my chest and dizziness takes its place in my head as well as a crawling heat up and down my torso.

I hear the door open after what felt like hours curled up on the floor. I hear muffled voices and one that had authority order something and suddenly silence. Then the lights turned off. I felt cooler. The heat subsided for the most part as my body absorbed the silence and darkness.

A soothing presence appeared next to me. I knew they wouldn't hurt me as they lifted me up and took me somewhere. I felt soft covers under my body as something cold was placed on the back of neck. I felt so much better, my breathing was normal and was somewhat deepening. My mind was tired, but my body wasn't. The person in the room with saw this and whispered assuringly to me.

"It's okay, I'm here." she said. I feel the bed dip in front of me and a warm hand brush my hair in the loose ponytail it was in. My body slowed down for my mind, and a comfortable snooze took over me, my eyelids heavy and aching.

"Mama! Mama! You're back!" the little girl screamed at me when I came through the front door.

"Of course I'm back. I'd miss you too much." I say, picking up my eldest daughter in my arms. Kissing and loving her.

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