Chelsea VII

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"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked as I hugged her.

"I found out that your father has been cheating on me, for five years." she sobbed.

I felt angry. Upset. Disappointed. My mom has been nothing but a good wife to him. She has been nothing but a good mother, friend, sister. She doesn't deserve this. If anything, my dad did. He never showed up to anything. He was always on business trips or something. In fact, he was on one now. And I feel sorry for the other person he's with. They don't deserve him.

"Mom. It's gonna be okay. We'll get you through this. Where's Amber?" I reassure.

"I don't know, I told her earlier and she left the house, Lucy's upstairs."

I called Amber and thankfully she picked up.

"Where are you?" I ask sternly.

"I'm at dad's work place. I'm gonna beat the shit out of him. Nobody hurts mom." she stated with anger lacing her voice.

"Don't do that. Come home. It's not what mom would want, is it?" I try to calm her down. I hear her sigh.

"Okay. I'm on my way."

"Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah" and she hung up.

"Is she coming back?" mom asked hopefully.

"She's on her way."

A few moments of silence passed as I wondered what Jordyn was up to.

"I'm sorry I stopped your date." mom apologised.

"It's okay, mom. She understands."

She nodded and I pulled my phone out to text her.


All okay?

I'll tell you later. What're you up to?

I'm at the café.

I might pop in later. Don't go too far?

Sure :) see you later.

See ya.

"Mom? Do you want to meet Jordyn at the café?" I ask her. She smiled and nodded.

Amber came back soon after and got Lucy ready.

We hopped in mom's car and went straight to the café. Amber said she had some errands to run so she would meet us back at the café soon. I saw her sat in her usual seat. I ordered some drinks for us and I sat down next to her. She looked at me smiled, then she looked over to mom on the other side of the table.

"Hi, Mrs Davies." she said.

"Hi, Jordyn. How are you?" my mom asked.

"I am wonderful, thank you. What about yourself?".

"Not as chipper, but I'll be fine."

Jordyn frowned slightly and I took her hand in mine. She looked at me and I gave her a nod. She also nodded and sat back in her chair.

Alley brought our coffees to myself and mom and looked down at my hand with Jordyn's. She gave me a knowing smile and walked off to the counter again.

Some time later, Amber and Lucy came in, ordered and sat with us.

"You're that fire fighter!" Lucy said to Jordyn.

"Yeah, I am." she laughed.

"Why are you holding Auntie Chelsea's hand?" she asked innocently.

"Because I can." Jordyn said. I couldn't have put it better myself. Lucy laughed.

"What's your real name?" the little girl questioned.

"This feels like an interrogation." Jordyn joked, which got my mom to smile so I was happy with that. "My real name is Jordyn."

"Are you Auntie Chelsea's girlfriend? Because mommy said that-" Amber brought her hand up and covered her daughter's mouth as I glared at her.

Jordyn chuckled.

"Your Auntie and I will need to speak about that. I don't think she even knows what we are." Jordyn answered the child.

I nodded in agreement and Lucy seemed to be done with the questioning. Thank God.

"Do I call you Auntie Jordyn?"

Dammit. I spoke too soon.

"Uhh." Jordyn looked to Amber who nodded. "If you want."

Her eyes lit up at Jordyn's answer. "Yes! I want to! Can you teach me to be a fire fighter? And let me drive the firetruck?"

"Maybe not driving the firetruck. But sure."

Lucy squealed in happiness as the other part-timer brought a juice box and a coffee.

"Drink your juice, child." Amber ordered as she stuck the straw into the box. Jordyn was still chuckling at my niece.

"Auntie Jordyn?"

Does this child ever shut the fuck up?

"Yes, Lucy?"

"Am I your first niece?"

"Nope." she answered.

"How many do you have? And do you have any nephews?"

There was a moment of silence while Jordyn counted her siblings kids.

"I have eleven nieces, including you, so far and no nephews."

Even my eyes shot up at this. Ten nieces on her side?

"Woah! How many siblings do you have?"

"I have ten sisters."

"So does every sister have one kid?"

"No. My older sister Ruth has two. Zoey has three. Bennie has three. Billie has one. Danny has one. And then there's you."

"Woah. Can I meet all your sisters?"

"One day."

I was impressed with how she was handling all of Lucy's questions. If I'm being honest it made me like her more.

I rest my head on her shoulder and she kissed my forehead. We were still holding hands as well. It felt good to have some one care for me. I closed my eyes for a few seconds.

"Aw, look at you two." Amber coos. I open my eyes and look at her. She was looking at her phone. She turned it around to show me that she had taken a photo of us. It was pretty cute.

My head on her shoulder and she was looking down at me with a smile. I think Amber was expecting me to get annoyed, but I'm not. We look cute.

"Send that to me please?" I ask and she scowls and mutters something under her breath. But regardless, she sent me the photo and I made it my background on my phone. I also sent it to one of my friends and she was over the moon.


She makes me chuckle.

My mom looks at us with a smile. I'm glad she's happy about it. She's always been supportive.

"I need you meet your mom's now." said to Jordyn.

"Yeah, you do. I think they'll like you." she said.

Those words made me happy. I'm so glad that my family likes Jordyn, because I don't think I can let her go now.

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