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Saturday night the only thing on Hoseok's mind is seeing Riri and finding out what's going on with her and the mystery bruise on her arm. She's spent years assuring him that Leo doesn't put his hands on her, and she knows the moment he does Hoseok's going to be ready to kill him.

He had lunch with Taebin earlier in the day since she said she would be at her niece's birthday party tonight. That means he has all evening to sit at the bar and remind Riri that he's not going to let this go until she tells him the truth.

She's spent the majority of the night purposely avoiding him. She poured his drink and hasn't stopped or looked his way for more than 5 seconds. When he needs a refill she sends her coworker to pour his drink. It isn't until he notices her step to the back room that he takes the opportunity to go in after her.

"You know you can't be back here," Nari says when she notices him in the doorway.

"You won't talk to me otherwise," he says closing the door behind him. "Are you going to tell me what happened to your arm?"

"I already told you, I bumped into a shelf."

"Let me see," he says standing over her.

"Hobi I have to get back out there," she says trying to walk past him.

"Not yet," he says grabbing her arm. He lifts her sleeve to reveal a blue and purple bruise the size of a tennis ball.

"Hobi stop," she says pulling away.

"What the fuck is that?!"

"Nothing. Hobi, please don't." She doesn't raise her voice, instead she pleads for him to let it go.

"Bullshit, Riri. What did he do? You told me he wasn't putting his hands on you!"

"He doesn't usually. It was just an accident," she pleads.

"Usually?? You said he never has! You have told me time and again that he never puts his hands on you!"

"I have to get back out there."

"Not until you tell me the truth!"

"I'm sorry, Hobi. I was afraid of how you'd react. I was scared to say anything. But seriously it's nothing, I'm fine."

"Why do you keep protecting him?" He asks feeling the blood in his body boiling over. "He's never treated you right in all the time I've known you, yet you're still trying to protect him by lying to me?"

"No, it's not that-"

"Then what is it? Where is he? I'll talk to him myself."

"Hobi no," she begs.

"Do you like getting your ass beat by that psycho?! What the fuck is your problem?!"


"You deserve so fucking much better, Riri! I've told you this so many times, but you keep trying to protect him and make excuses for him! You could be out living happy and free without him up your ass all the time, yet you don't do shit!"

"Where the fuck am I supposed to go, Hoseok? There's nowhere I can go."

"You haven't even fucking tried! I've offered to help you so many times in so many ways!"

"It's not your problem to deal with!"

"Sure," he huffs. "It's not my problem when you're crying to me every week about another fight you two had. It's not my problem when you tell me how he constantly goes through all your shit because he doesn't trust you. And it's definitely not my problem when you get mad at him and beg me to fuck you, right?"

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