Trust the Process

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Hoseok is trying to stay reasonable but his mind and his heart are struggling to agree with each other. Once he talks some sense into himself it seems there's always something else, no matter how small, that ruffles his feathers.

He reminds himself that she's in a tough position and simply can't say no to Leo without fear of abuse. But the lavish bracelet she has on Wednesday raises his blood pressure. And the diamond earrings she wears on Thursday causes him to give her the silent treatment for most of the night.

She knows he's upset, but she reminds him yet again that he has to trust her. Leo hasn't hurt her since he came in with a vase of flowers out of the blue. She's afraid the abuse will start again if she denies any of his gifts. If she does anything to make him upset, especially since he's been on edge lately with his friends getting arrested one by one, she's scared he'll hurt her, and more than he has before.

Once again Hoseok is constantly getting lost in his mind. No matter how much logic and reasoning is thrown in his face, he can't shake the voice in his head that wants to question everything she says. He should be happy that she's not being hurt, but now he's worried about losing her to him. She never tried to leave him in the past, even after a year of physical abuse she was resistant to leave Leo. What changed? She claims she realized she loves Hoseok now, but that doesn't exactly mean she doesn't love Leo.

As soon as he walks in the bar Saturday evening he instantly knows he's going to have another issue. She's wearing a turtleneck again, and although the fall weather is at a constant chill, that never stopped her from wearing low cut shirts before.

He stays until close, as usual. Sipping whiskey throughout the night. His tolerance has increased a lot over the past few months. He doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing, but right now it doesn't matter.

As Nari is walking back to the counter from locking the door, Hoseok takes her arm stopping her in her tracks. She wraps her arms around his torso and looks up at him instantly noticing the stone cold look on his face which always means he's not happy about something.

"What are you hiding?" He says reaching for her collar without giving her a chance to answer.

She doesn't resist, only lowers her gaze in shame as he reveals the trail of blue and purple marks along her neck down to her chest. This isn't the same as the bruise she had on her neck before. No, these marks aren't from Leo beating her in anger. They're the type of marks Hoseok has wanted to leave on her skin many times, but she always stopped him. The marks he wanted to leave to claim her himself.

"You let him mark you?" He asks softly.

"Hobi," she says taking his hand from her collar.

"You let him leave an entire trail down your neck?" He asks with each word increasing in intensity.

"What am I supposed to do?" Nari asks. "Try to stop him and let him beat my ass instead?"

"Tell him you're not in the mood or some shit!"

"What is with you lately?" She snaps. "You've been acting so unreasonable as if I just have the freedom to tell this fucking hot headed gang leader that I don't want to have sex with him or accept any of his gifts?"

"Do you like it?" He asks stone faced.

"No! How many times do I have to tell you! I only want you and I mean that!" Tears of frustration are starting to build up in her eyes.

"I know that's what you say, but-"

"But what? You don't fucking believe me, right? How the fuck am I supposed to prove anything to you if you won't believe me anyway? I thought you were on my fucking side!"

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