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Hoseok wishes there were a button he could push to fast forward time. Namjoon can't give anymore investigation updates, and Hoseok is lucky to get one day at the bar with Nari when Leo isn't there. No matter how much reasoning he does with himself he can't fully let go of the overwhelming frustration.

Knowing that Leo was waiting for him with a knife has him more on edge than ever. What could he have done if he were ambushed suddenly? He certainly would have fought back but the sight of Nari in tears breaks him apart. He can't bear to see her hurting and he knows it would kill her to watch him get taken down by Leo and his friend. At the same time, would Leo hurt Nari with the knife? How long before he's pushed too far and stabs her? He can't stand the thought, and because of that he's keeping his distance, regardless of how frustrating it is.

Even worse is having to use Taebin to communicate with Nari. He can't see her at the bar and Leo checks her phone often so Taebin has to be the one to text Nari. She has to use code to make things seem completely innocent. Taebin will ask when they can set up another craft date with Minnie. If Nari says she'll let her know then that means Hoseok should stay away from the bar. On rare occasion she'll respond saying soon, which means it's ok for him to see her. So far it's only happened once the past couple of weeks since he last saw her at Taebin's place.

After an unusually long Thursday at work Hoseok decides his patience isn't enough to stop him from going to the bar. Whether Leo is there or not means nothing to him, he just wants to see Nari. He wants to see the face that can brighten his day without even trying. He wants to hear the voice that soothes whatever is burning inside of him.

When he walks through the door he sees Leo sitting right at the end of the bar. Nari looks at Hoseok with a look of confusion and pure horror. She told him, through Taebin, that he shouldn't come today. Yet here he is taking a seat on the opposite side of the bar and begins his staring match with Leo that ensues every time they cross paths.

Before Nari can go to Hoseok, Leo asks her, no tells her, to refill his beer. Hoseok doesn't know if he's carrying a knife today, but he's ready to break a glass if he needs to.

He hates the way he talks to Nari. He hates the way he treats her and keeps her living in fear. Of all the things he hates, there's absolutely nothing he hates more in this moment than noticing the engagement ring Nari left behind has made its way back to her finger. The flashy diamond ring glimmering in the light burns a hole right through Hoseok's chest.

He wanted nothing more than to see her after a rough day, but it's only made things worse. He considers getting up and leaving but she steps to him first doing her best to pretend like her left hand doesn't exist.

"What are you doing here?" She whispers.

"Needed a drink," he says through his teeth. "Whiskey."

"Is that all?" She asks knowing he showed up for more than just a drink.

"Yeah," he huffs. "I guess so."

She knows he's mad. His ears are red and his entire cardiovascular system is throbbing out of his skin. But in this moment she can't say anything to him. She can't begin to explain herself, although he should know by now that she can't just easily say no to Leo when her safety is at risk. It's a conversation they've had before, but she also knows how deep Hoseok's feelings are and sometimes he can't see reason when his heart is involved.

She places the glass of whiskey in front of him and he says nothing. She wishes he could read her thoughts through her eyes, but he won't even look up at her. She stands frozen at the counter trying stay between the two men glaring at each other and it only stresses her out more. No matter which direction she looks someone has a look of hatred in their eyes.

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