New Face

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Hoseok doesn't like playing the waiting game, especially when it involves Nari and her safety. He doesn't like that he has no way of finding or contacting this mystery man to ask him the millions of questions he has swirling through his brain.

Taebin becomes a source of peace, at least briefly when the time zones allow. He lives through her Brazil adventures and just as always she's a soft voice of patience and reason when he's ready to lose it.

They haven't fully discussed their breakup since she's been gone, but Hoseok hopes they'll get a chance to when she returns. He's not sure what needs to be said, but he knows there needs to be more conversation than what was had the day she showed up at his doorstep and left for the other side of the world.

Nari has noticed Leo getting more stressed likely because he knows the police are getting closer to him. He's spending more time away from home and when he is home he's on edge and pacing endlessly. She's trying not to raise his suspicions, but she fears he may start acting more erratically which could mean facing more abuse.

Namjoon was able to get one of the guys they arrested to talk. One of Leo's friends that Nari knew of named Toto has a warrant for assault and when Namjoon offered him a deal he opened right up.

Toto is usually in charge of collecting payments from business owners. He's usually involved in some form of theft or assault. He still won't name names, but he explained more of the type of operation he's involved in.

It seems like a typical racketeering operation. Someone at the top gives orders and the smaller guys obey. They're loan sharks and bookies, running an illegal gambling ring, and seemingly always being owed money by someone. They prey on business owners who are desperate to save their failing businesses. However, when they aren't able to pay, Toto, or whoever is ordered to, has to go collect. Toto won't say where they operate out of, and he won't say who gives the orders, but he says once a person is in, they can't get out.

Namjoon needs to know more so he was able to get an undercover officer to keep an eye on Leo and follow him whenever he goes somewhere. He's not able to provide updates yet since they're still deep in the investigation. They can't risk information leaking and giving Leo a chance to run if he tries.

Hoseok doesn't miss a night at the bar. How he's able to wake up for work every morning without much issue is nothing short of a miracle. Nari serves him less alcohol and more juice, soda, and water. She can tell everything is catching up to him.

She urges him to go home and get some rest but he refuses. If she's working he's going to be right there.

There's no word from the mystery man until Thursday night. Hoseok walks Nari to her car as he does every night, but tonight there's a note on her windshield.

He's not going to let you go easily.
He needs money and he needs you.
He'll do anything for both.

"What the fuck?" Hoseok says trying to make sense of the note. "What does this mean?"

"I don't know," Nari says looking at the note closer. "How does he need money? Does he not make enough doing...whatever the fuck it is that he does?"

"Maybe you should pay closer attention to what he does," Hoseok says passive aggressively. He doesn't mean to direct his attitude at her, but the more he thinks of how little she knows about what Leo does, the more Hoseok is irritated. How could she not know after all these years?

"I'm sure the undercover officers are keeping an eye on where he's going," she says ignoring Hoseok's annoyance.

"I don't like this," he sighs. "I'm so exhausted and frustrated."

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