Me and My Friend

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Jin invites Hoseok out for drinks Saturday night. It's been a week since the investigation began into Leo and Jin knows Hoseok could use a night to relax. He starts by inviting him to his house, then Jin will drive them out for drinks. Or what started as just drinks, but ended with Jin also suggesting dinner at a bbq restaurant.

Taebin won't be joining them as she'll be staying with Jin's daughter, Minnie while they're out. Hoseok would love for Taebin to go along but she insists on staying with Minnie for the night. She tells them to enjoy a guys night and they'll have a girls night in the meantime.

Jin's wife left them years ago and he suddenly found himself a single parent. Taebin does as much as she can to be a mother figure to Minnie and Hoseok thinks she does an amazing job. He would still love for them to join, even if for dinner only, but Minnie seems excited about the at home spa day Taebin has planned for them so the guys leave them to it.

They arrive at the restaurant and take their seat at a table and place their order. Hoseok is grateful for Jin inviting him out. He's been so stressed lately worrying about Nari that he feels like he hasn't had a moment to breathe in months. Though he's meant to be taking it easy, Jin tells him they can go to the Drunken Whale for drinks so Hoseok will feel better about seeing Nari at least once tonight. Hoseok doesn't want to seem overbearing, but too much has happened and he can't stand to leave her too long without worrying she may have been hurt again.

During dinner they agree to not speak of the investigation for the remainder of the night. It's not hard to do with Jin there ushering the conversation in every other direction. They get halfway through the meal and Jin drops a question Hoseok thought was off limits.

"So," Jin says swallowing a piece of pork belly. "How are you and Nari doing?"

"I thought we weren't talking about the investigation for the rest of the night?" Hoseok chuckles.

"I'm not talking about the investigation," Jin smiles. "I'm talking about you and Nari. How is your relationship?"

"You ask like we're together," Hoseok laughs nervously. "I'm dating your sister, remember?"

"I know you are, but have you ever dated Nari in the past?"

"No," Hoseok says sucking down his sprite in attempt to hide his nerves. Why is he asking this? "We're best friends."

"Come on, Hoba," a name Jin began calling Hoseok not long ago claiming it's easier to say. "I know that, but be honest. If she wasn't with Leo would things be different?"

"I don't know," Hoseok responds hesitantly. "Why do you ask?"

"Because I feel like your feelings for her go deeper." Jin takes a sip of his drink and smiles. "You don't have to be afraid to tell me. I'm not going to go back and tell Taebin. I've seen her date a lot of people and honestly you're the coolest one. But you're not right for her."

"What?" Hoseok asks slightly offended.

"Take it easy," Jin laughs. "I don't mean it in a bad way. I just mean that it seems like you and Nari are meant to be together, not you and Taebin." He leans back in his seat taking another sip. "You and Taebin are good friends. That's the relationship I see between you two. But you and Nari are more. The way you care for her and look out for her all of the time. You should give her a better life than what she has now. I know you can give her a better life."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because my job is about helping people find happiness. Nari needs you, Taebin will probably just run off somewhere and leave you confused. She can be unpredictable at times, but that's not the point." He laughs sipping his drink, though Hoseok is still confused and unsure if Jin is trying to set him up.

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