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Nari and Hoseok stay in the hotel a few days allowing time for a crew to clean up their apartment. When they return the place is spotless, it's almost as if nothing ever happened aside from the big empty space where the tv and couch used to be. They're happy to be home, but something just doesn't feel home-like anymore.

Nari has her 20 week appointment where she and Hoseok learn that baby Hope is a girl. Despite all of the hardships Nari has been through, Hope is healthy and thriving. That's in part thanks to Hoseok's almost obsessive habit of keeping track of every meal and vitamin Nari has. He's scoured the far reaches of the internet to learn everything there is to know to ensure a healthy pregnancy. He's even watched videos to learn the best massages to give her if she complains about any part of her body being sore.

Hoseok is ecstatic that Hope is a girl. Not that he cared either way, but now he's enjoying the new task of brainstorming names and shopping for clothes. As he's adding more and more items to his online shopping cart, he realizes he can't put all of these things in his apartment. This apartment that was only meant to house him is much too small for their small family. It's barely big enough for him and Nari. On top of that, it simply doesn't feel like home since the night Leo broke in.

"Do you think we should try looking for a new place?" He asks Nari as they're at the table having dinner.

"A new place?" She asks. "Where?"

"I don't know, but somewhere bigger. Somewhere fit for all of us."

"A house?"

"Maybe. Just somewhere where we could all have enough space. Hope needs a room, right?"

"Yeah," she says smiling. "Do you think we'll find something before she comes though?"

"I'll start now," he says with confidence.

He knows it's not going to be an easy task, so he spends whatever time he can looking for places that may be suitable for them. He just hopes he can get them moved and settled before Hope makes her debut into the world.

It takes a lot of searching and a lot of walkthroughs at various places which is starting to get exhausting, especially for Nari who's struggling with back pain more and more. She's been stress crafting numerous pieces of jewelry and Hoseok helped her set up a shop online so she can finally start clearing some of her stuff out.

After a few long weeks they find a place that they both like. Nari will have her own craft room/office and they'll even have a small yard for Hope to play in as she gets older. It's exciting for them both as they begin packing their things.

Hoseok is sitting in bed scrolling his phone when Nari comes into the room. She finally finished packing all of her jewelry making supplies and is now crawling up the bed between Hoseok's legs.

"My back hurts," she pouts at him.

"Sit down," he chuckles setting his phone aside.

She nestles herself between his legs and leans her back into his chest. Something she's been doing more often lately. He'll massage her back and hold her tight while hoping he'll be able to feel some movement from Hope. The first time he felt her move was an incredible experience, since then he lives for feeling her move any chance he can.

"I can't believe this is our last night here," she says closing her eyes as he kneads his fingers into her sore muscles.

"I know, things are starting to feel more and more real," he says. "Do you think 2 weeks is long enough to get settled before the party?"

"Knowing you, you'll have the place perfectly organized hours after we move in," she chuckles.

When they told Jin and Taebin about their move Taebin was excited to volunteer to be the planner for a housewarming baby shower. Nari is nervous yet excited because this will finally give the opportunity for Hoseok to meet her sister and mom, and for her to meet his parents and sister who plan to come up from Gwangju to visit. With all of the insanity they've been through they're happy to finally get their families together and simply have a good time.

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