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Hoseok is trying not to worry too much. He doesn't want to panic, as he does sometimes, and find out it's not as bad as he thought. But it's hard. Anything involving Nari worries him.

He showed Jin Nari's text before going to sleep and Jin said he would contact Namjoon. If it weren't for all the drinks Hoseok had he wouldn't have been able to sleep at all.

Nari meets them at Jin's house the next evening after Leo left for work. Namjoon is already there and ready with his notepad and a ton of questions.

She tells them a mysterious man she didn't recognize came into the bar last night and sat at a table near the back. He didn't order anything and he wore a hat that kept his face under shadow. He sat there a little while and Nari was afraid he was someone Leo sent to keep tabs on her, but she wasn't sure. Eventually he got up and left, but not before sliding a note to Nari without saying a word.

Nari pulls the note out of her purse and shows the guys. The three of them look over the note wondering who could have given it to her.

Monday at 7:15 pm.
Someone there will need the help of your friends who want to put Leo away.

The note gives an address and says nothing more and Nari has no clue who it could be. She knows that Leo knows a lot of people, more than just the ones she's met. She doesn't know what to make of the note, and is afraid it could be a setup.

Namjoon takes the note and inspects it closer. He takes a photo of the note on his phone, taps out a message, then excuses himself to the kitchen to make a call.

Nari is a bit unnerved, and Hoseok isn't sure what to think. Who could have information about Leo that could help? Who else would know that an investigation into Leo had even begun? Would the mystery man go back to the bar?

"Is there no way you can stay the night at my place?" Hoseok asks already knowing the answer.

"We've been over this, Hobi," Nari says resting her hand on his to try putting him at ease. "If I give him a reason to suspect anything it'll just make things worse."

"He doesn't know where I live, does he? You can stay there and he won't be able to do anything if he can't find you."

"I'm telling you, Hobi. He knows too many people. He'd find you. And me."

"Who are these people that he knows?" Jin asks breaking his silence.

"I don't know," she sighs. "I just know he knows a lot of people. He knows people that can and will make anything happen if he asks."

"Like what?"

Nari hesitates looking down at her hands that are fidgeting in her lap. She sighs opening her mouth but not making a sound.

"Nari," Hoseok says softly. "What are you not telling us?"

"I...I didn't want to say anything. I don't want to give you guys bad information and mess things up. It's just, I overheard him on the phone one time talking about silencing someone about something. I don't know, I really don't. Anytime I ask he gets mad and tells me not to worry about what he does and who he knows. I only know a few of his friends, the ones I told you about. JK, D, Fox, and Toto. But this day he was angry talking to someone named 'V' and was giving him instructions on what he wanted him to do with someone he referred to as 'Mimi'. I didn't hear much and when I asked what was going on and why he was mad he got even more mad."

"Why are you just now telling us this??" Hoseok asks trying and failing to mask how upset he is that she didn't share this information sooner.

"I'm sorry," she cries. "I didn't think I knew enough to be of help. I don't know, I'm just scared he'll know I've been telling you guys everything."

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