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Hoseok feels like he's just been hit in the chest with a 700 ton boulder. What is Jin saying? How is her car at the train station but she didn't get on a train? What does he mean they don't know where she is?

"Was there a camera that saw her car?" Hoseok asks frantically. "There's got to be a camera to see who was in her car."

"The camera didn't show much," Jin says softly. "It was dark and her car was parked halfway outside of the camera's range with the driver side door facing out of view. All we know is they pulled in then went in the opposite direction on foot."

"It was dark? When was it left there? Jin she just texted me the other night! When did this happen??" Hoseok is out of breath and he's almost convinced he's hallucinating.

"It was around 3-something Tuesday morning," he says trying to keep Hoseok from trembling.

"Jin!" Hoseok shouts reaching into his pocket. "Jin she texted me!!" He pulls up the message on his phone to check the time she sent her last message. "Jin! 3:27 am!!"

Jin takes the phone from him and looks at the message. He stares at the screen a bit with question marks written all over his face.

"It had to be her!" Hoseok shouts jumping from the couch. "They found her phone in the car. It had to be her! She left her car there! I have to find her!"

"Slow down," Jin says getting up after him and stopping him from running out the door. "Where are you going to go?"

"The train station. I don't know, I'll retrace her steps or something. She could be alone on foot or something. I need to go."

"Hoba, you need to talk to Namjoon first. They're already working on finding her, we don't need you getting lost out there too."

"I don't care, I need to find her."

"I know, just breathe for a second," Jin says guiding him back to the couch. "Let me call Namjoon."

Hoseok sits a moment while Jin calls Namjoon. Before there's an answer Hoseok is already back up on his feet again pacing the floor. Sitting still is impossible right now. Jin is unable to get Hoseok to sit back down until Namjoon arrives to get whatever information they know and give them updates on what police have found.

Hoseok shows Namjoon the message she sent him adamant that she has to be the one who left her car at the train station. Why and where she went remains a mystery, but it's the only connection he's been able to make since she disappeared so he's hanging on to it.

Namjoon pulls up the security camera footage on his phone from the train station to show them. As Jin said, it's dark and Hoseok can hardly see anything. Nari's car is shown pulling into the lot and parking far in the back. The only thing that can be made out is whoever was driving was alone and sat there a bit before getting out of the car.

"It's her," Hoseok says. "I can't see shit but I know it's her LOOK AT THE TIME!" He points. "That's when she sent me the message! It's her!" He jumps up to his feet again ignoring the burn his thighs are experiencing from his unconventional workout.

"If she drove," Namjoon says softly. "Do you know where she possibly could have gone on foot? Or why?"

"It's Leo! Whatever is going on it's because of him I know it!" Hoseok says with certainty. "She would have said something to me. She would have told me she's in trouble."

"But she didn't say anything like that in her message," Namjoon says.

Hoseok pauses. She didn't say anything like that. She never hinted to anything being wrong.

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