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Hoseok knows he needs to break things off with Taebin. He knows that he can't continue on lying to her. Now that he knows how Nari really feels, all he wants is to get her away from Leo and have her all to himself.

He's been thinking of the best way to break things off. It's hard for him because he would still love for them to be friends. He doesn't want her to think that he doesn't like her at all, it's just that he realizes that his heart is with Nari instead.

While he's stressing over the best way to break up with her, she sends him a text and asks if he's free this Saturday. He's reluctant to answer because he doesn't want her to make plans for anything when he's trying to find a way to break up with her. He tells her he's free anyways and she simply says ok. No follow up suggesting they do something or any suggestions at all. Just a simple "ok".

Hoseok is a little confused, until Saturday afternoon comes and Taebin is knocking at his door.

"Hey," he says opening the door to invite her in.

"Hey," she says with a soft smile. She doesn't step inside, instead she remains standing on his doorstep. "I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to talk to you before I go."

"What?" He asks confused. "Go where?"

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner, but I could tell you have a lot going on and honestly I know that Nari needs you right now."


"I'm leaving for Brazil today. I'll be gone two weeks and I feel so terrible for not telling you I was planning this, but..." she trails off looking at the ground. "Hoseokie, I love you."


"You're an amazing person, honestly I can't see how anyone could not love you. You're sweet and caring and so much fun to hangout with," she smiles up at Hoseok who's still thoroughly confused. "But I can tell the love I have for you is not the same as the love you have for Nari."

"What?" At this point his vocabulary has been cut down to just this one word.

"I want the best for you and I want you to be happy, but that's not with me. I realized it when I watched you care for her when she came over after her fight with Leo."

"Oh..." he's trying to process a lot. Brazil? She loves him? She's...breaking up with him?

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way. I just feel like it's not fair to any of us if I try to hold on to you when I know deep down you should be with her, even if you don't realize it yourself. This doesn't mean I don't want to stay friends though. We talked a lot about seeing Brazil someday and I would love to share my experience with you. I just don't want you to hate me for doing this and just leaving so suddenly."

Hoseok is stunned. For a lot of reasons, but mostly because somehow the planets aligned and saved him from having to find the right words to break up with her himself. He wraps his arms around her in a warm protective bear hug and kisses the top of her head.

"I could never hate you," he says with a smile. "I have some questions," he giggles. "But I could never hate you...unless you came back from Brazil without bringing me something."

"Of course I won't," she laughs. "I promise I'll come back and tell you all about it."

For the first time Hoseok feels relieved. The air around him is lighter and more invigorating. She just did him a great favor.

"I wish I could stay," she says. "But my flight leaves soon so I have to get going."

"When did you even book this?" If he can squeeze one answer out of her before she goes it has to be how long she's been plotting this.

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