Chapter 9 - The Distraction {part 2}

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(Songs for this chapter
Hot Blood - KALEO
Moonlight kiss - BAP KENNEDY, you'll know when to press play)


Fucking hell these two are something else. I've been watching them through my scope and they work together in such synchronization. They know each others moves before they make them.

I can see Bravo team is nearly to the HQ building. The distraction is working perfectly, all of the compound is converging on Zeta team. But those two look like they are are just out for a play in the park. I can see Reaper is smiling and they are yelling things back and forth between them as they move back to back, always swiveling so they are never looking in the same direction. 

I haven't had to fire a shot yet, to cover them or Bravo.

"Bravo team on location." Soap says into the radio. Excellent they made good time getting there.

"Roger Bravo," I say back.

"Ghost, tank incoming watch your position." Reaper relays over the radio.

I look left to see a tank coming towards them from the west. Fuck. But these two are running at the tank. Running at the tank! Are they insane.

Reds stops just before the tank sliding around to a kneel facing reaper. Reapers runs up onto his knee then hands and he pushes her higher in the air so she can jump onto the fucking tank. She shoots the guy standing in the weapons station while in the air and then drops two grenades down the man hole once she lands then instantly jumps off again. She rolls as she jumps, being off put by the momentum of the explosion but just gets up runs after Reds.

I am in love.

There is one guy on a roof to the north west, he's taking aim down at Zeta but I take him out before he has a chance. No one gets near my girl. Fuck. My girl? What am I thinking, I am done for.

She's making it hard to concentrate on the mission, if she wasn't in direct danger right now I think I'd have a hard time keeping my scope off her. But I keep looking around, checking the roofs and hidden access points so no one gets the drop on them.

They are on the main road again. Sticking close to the middle to keep men away from the gate and HQ. Shes was right. I didn't give her enough credit, she's a brilliant task force soldier. Doesn't mean i don't want her out of danger whenever possible.

They have run out of grenades and magazines and are onto hand guns and knives. They keep to the wreckage they have caused making them harder to hit so the men have to get in close. I take out whoever i can as they come into the open. I watch Reaper take out another two men with a knife, my knife. Fucking hell she's amazing. Is there anything she can't do.

"Bravo team has target, making way to Exfil," Price instructs over the radio.

Once they are out of the compound i'll radio for Zeta to fallback. Not that they really need to they are running out of targets to kill, the bodies are scattered around them. Reaper is looking around but can't see anyone so she looks over my way. I'm too far away for her to see me but she must know i can see her. She presses the tips of her fingers to her lips and then pulls her hand away pausing for a moment. That is too cruel. Shit this woman makes me feel things i didn't know existed.

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