Chapter 37 - Proximity

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(Songs for this chapter
You Mean the World to Me - FREYA RIDINGS)


"Back, everyone back up!" Sam yells at us. El is moving backwards towards the wall gun still aimed at us.

Hawks, Reds, Soap and MacGyver all move to the furthest wall, practically out the door. Sam and I take a few steps back with our hands up but no more. We look over at each other before looking back at her. After what I read in Sam's diary of what happened to El before Zeta I'm not surprised she's freaked out by any needles.

Her hyperventilating is making her whole body shake. Her legs are kinked at an awkward angle and part of her back is leaning against the wall. Her entire body trying just to hold her up, she is so far past breaking point i don't know how she's still awake let alone functioning and defending herself.

"El," Sam says and takes a single step closer to her, El shoots a round right past Sam's head into the wall behind her, making Sam jump and MacGyver come up behind her.

"I'm fine Daniel stay back." Sam responds straight away knowing he would of moved to defend her.

"She must of been given a lot of drugs in the last few weeks. Her subconscious is on the defense, blurring her past and present together. You might be able to help her." Sam says to me quietly but doesn't take her eyes off El. I think I know what she is trying to say, all her memories with me are new, everyone else is a potential old trigger that could set her off.

I start to move, her vision and gun both shift straight to me. I very slowly take my mask off. "El, it's Simon, can you hear me sweetheart." I see her shoulder twitch and i take a step forward. She doesn't shoot, good.

"You are safe now, no one is going to hurt you, i won't let them." Her breathing calms a little hearing my voice, i take two more steps forward.

"I can't do it again, i won't go back in the dark!" She tries to scream it but her voice comes out broken and hoarse. I hear Sam suppress a sob from behind me.

"You won't be in the dark ever again, listen to my voice, i'm right here with you. I won't leave you alone." I sound calm and stoic but on the inside i am dying a thousand times over.

Her eyes are focusing on mine now, i take another few steps closer. "Remember at the lake, you said you felt safe with me." She takes in a deep breath like the memory of it is calming her.

"Two things." I say and her legs begin to give way, but i move to her fast and catch her before she hits the ground. Hey eyes looking to me for help.

"I need the gun El, you have me now, I'll always protect you." I say as i slowly put my palm over the barrel, she releases her hands and i slide it away behind us. Hearing one of the guys pick it up.

"I'm going to move you and Sam is going help you, okay? I won't leave your side."

She nods slightly and I pick her up cradling her head, moving her back into bed. When I put her down again I keep my face nice and close to hers, I wave Sam over without moving my head, El is still looking at me both her hands on my face. Holding onto me like she needs me just to breathe. I can keep her focus on me so she doesn't see Sam.

Once Sam gets closer I move my hand up to her face, reassuring her and blocking her view of Sam.

"Just be here with me, stay here with me." I say to her, thinking about all the things she has said to me before.

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