Chapter 65 - Lecture

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(Songs for this chapter -
Heaven - AMY ALLEN
Love and Feeling - CHET FAKER)


"Wait out here, once i start saying things he doesn't want to hear, he will try and get away from me so he doesn't have to face it and i can't kick his ass right now." I say to Simon just before we get out the front of Reds room. Simon gives me the that isn't very fair on poor Reds look.

"He's my brother i'm allowed to, just no one else is." He rolls his eyes at me, sliding his hand under my shirt and across my lower back sending shivers up my spine. I really started something earlier, he isn't going to stop until he gets to see me... lose it. 

He arrogantly leans on the wall next to the door while i knock.

"Yeah?" I swipe my card and open the door, winking at Simon before i go in, he narrows his eyes at me.

"Jesus El you shouldn't be out of bed!" Reds shouts at me as he comes over to help me get to the chair in the corner of his room.

"Why is Megs upset with you, what did you do?"
I say sternly, playing ignorant to gauge his response to my accusation.

"Why does everyone one assume I'm always to blame, what if Megs did something to me?!" He snaps back. Oh attitude straight away, I've already hit a nerve. Nice try but it'll take more than that to get rid of me.

I laugh. "Short of making you fall in love with her, she would never do anything." I stare at him as he sits down on his bed.

"Yeah well, she did." he says in a huff, exactly what I said? Yes she did.

"So what exactly did she do?" I ask smugly.

"She used me when she was, lonely." Oh Reds how delicate of you, i snort out a laugh.

"So? You got to have sex. I don't see why you're complaining?" I keep poking, he will crack sooner or later.

"That's is not the point!" He yells annoyed, it's working already.

"Oh so you like doing it to women, but don't like it being done to you? Go figure."

"I don't parade myself around with another woman in front of them!" He's getting very angry, he's hurting badly under there. Simon hopefully doesn't come in and try to defend me, it'll undo everything.

"Yes you do! You pretend i'm your girl to get you out of speaking out them!"

"That, was only a few times."

"It's been eight times so far! You are just mad that you can't use me again this time!"

"Well what else am i suppose to do!" He spits the words is such anger.

He gets up and goes to the door like i knew he would. Simon, my sweet, handsome, intimidating Simon is standing right in the door way with his arms crossed.

"Oh typical, can't kick my ass so you brought your big scary dog with you." Simon's eyes anger at his words and he tilts his head looking over at me, wanting to know what I would like him to do.

I shake my head at him, Reds is just in pain. He can't control his anger when he's hurting. Simon pushes Reds slightly back into the room and closes the door on us.

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