Chapter 54 - The Evac {Part 1}

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I couldn't leave you all suffering for too long, we aren't out of the storm yet.❤️

(Song for this chapter -
Bitter End - GORDI)


I glower at Sanchez as he walks to the door, holding everything in under the surface. I won't let him see that he got to me. Especially not in front of Simon. I watch him and his men walk out of the room, flames burning around my feet. Once i'm confident I've been left with just Johnny and Simon my whole body lets go of all my feelings.

This is the feeling from the dream i had, this is it exactly. My breathing is rapid and unchecked, tears coming down my face, my heart is beating so fast it's hurting me, my whole body starts to shake with fear and I scream, more desperately than I can ever remember doing.

I look down at Johnny and Simon's bodies, my sobbing taking over me as i cry out for them. Their eyes on me but they can't say or do anything, I know the feeling of being locked in your own body, helpless to do anything and I would never want anyone to go through it. So much anger and hurt in their eyes, they so desperately want to save me, save us.

I yell again, angrily at myself this time. Trying to fight back the sobbing and fear from taking over my body. Focus El focus! If you don't they will both die. The fire around my feet is getting bigger.

I take stock of my hands behind my back, I don't waste any time and painfully groan as I dislocate my thumb to get my hand out of the rope. The other hand is still stuck and I don't have the leverage or body movement to get it out.

"Fuck!" I yell frustrated. My mind is panicking, trying to force me into self surviving mode. I have to fight my own subconscious as well, I look back down at the them, my boys. My heart is breaking on the floor with them, seeing them like this, Simon like this. It hurts more than anything I've ever had done to me. I'm sobbing again, I have to try and stop this, I'm just making it worse for them, they have to watch all this helplessly.

I can do it. I look up at the ceiling so they don't have to see me cry. I rip my hand out, screaming the entire time. Two of my fingers are broken and blood is already crawling down my arm from the skin I ripped off my wrist and hand. I put my thumb back in against my leg, then use my now free hands to untie the rope around my torso first then my feet, i burn my hands a bit getting my feet out but I'm free now and that's all that matters.

I run over and kneel in front of them. My body still won't calm down, this is unbearable.
"I'm going to.. get my boys out.. okay." My voice is shaking and stuttering between breaths. I look at both their eyes for a split second but I don't keep their gaze longer than that. I can see they are both dying on the inside, absolutely freaked. Scared, worried, anxious, in pain. I know all of these feelings too personally and it will make it worse for them and me if I keep looking in their eyes.

I pat down Johnny's vest. If i remember right he always carries adrenaline syringes on him. He's still got them, I put one in my pocket and take the other, closing my eyes as I jab myself in the leg. I whimper and my body shakes more violently as more fear goes through me. The fire behind me is getting bigger and hotter.

I grab Johnny first, dragging him by his tac vest to a window. I look out first to see if i can see anyone still around. Then I use my foot to smash it out making sure there is no glass left so I don't cut them.

"Sorry.. if it hurts." I pant out.
Then I awkwardly force his dead weight body out of the window. He rolls onto the dirt outside face up, good. I race back to Simon, he takes longer, he's much bigger and heavier. I have to put my arms thought the back of his tac vest at one point, my grip is not strong enough to hold on.

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