Chapter 13 - Focus

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(Songs for this chapter -
Way Down We Go - KALEO
Long Way 2 go - CASSIE
Caroline - SOMBR)


I watch Reaper jump over me, my vision following along with her to see two men fire on her, she returns fire a split second later, stumbling a little but keeping her footing. Fuck.

"El you're hit!" I yell it in distress, recognizing the stumble of bullet impact. I race around to face her, looking at her chest first checking nothing got past the tactical vest.

She coughs. "I'm alright, they just got my leg."
I look down at her leg, she has blood soaking through her pants in two places on her middle and lower thigh. I grab her leg checking for exit wounds. They are there, thank god.

"Both went through and through, clean hit."
I say as I take out some bandages I have in a vest pocket to wrap her leg.

"Simon." she says it so sweetly. I look up at her face after she says it.
"You told me to tell you when I'm hurt, but I need you to stay focused if I do."
"What are you saying?" I question her.
"There's a third bullet wound on my hip and I don't think the bullet came out." She states as I finish wrapping her leg.

I move my attention straight up to her hip, I can see the blood bleeding through and down her leg already, this wound is much worse. Fuck. I move my hands up her leg. She shudders and makes a small sensual sound. Geez woman don't tell me to focus and then do that to me.

"Ghost if you're going to touch me like that don't make it when I'm getting shot at and bleeding." She half gasps.
Taking notice of my hand positions, one is right up in between her thighs, thumb against her hip joint. The other on the outer edge of her hip bone my fingers digging into her ass, fucking hell I didn't even notice. Her cheeks are red, whether from me or the blood coming out of her leg I don't know but now is not the time to find out.

"Focus Reaper, you're right the bullet didn't come out. We need to get you to Andrews." I say changing subject and avoiding my inappropriate thoughts I pick her up by wrapping my arm under her ass and putting her over my shoulder.
Keeping her partly upright  so she can rest her elbows on my shoulder and shoot behind me as we move.

We are heading to the main gate, Reaper keeps trying to radio but nothing is getting through. We have to get outside this area to connect to everyone else. There isn't too many enemies ahead of us but they are on our tail, and getting closer. I can feel Reapers leg bleeding on my arm and chest. She's loosing a lot of blood and must be in pain but you wouldn't know it. She keeps on the men chasing us, using her sidearm whenever they come into view.

I stop at another corner, catching my breath and checking it's clear before we move. I don't put her down though, my arm is tightly locked around her and I won't be releasing it until she's safe.

"You shouldn't of taken those bullets for me, my tac vest is bigger than yours I would of been fine." I protest annoyed at her for putting herself at risk just for me.

"And if it didn't?"she says from my shoulder turning her head forwards when she responds.
"I don't know if you did the math but I got hit 6 times. One of those would of made contact and I can't exactly carry you like this." She sasses.

I mean she has a point but I still don't like it. Wait a second.
"Six times!?" I half yell into the part of her back that's level with my face.
"Three hit the vest." She answers.

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Where stories live. Discover now