Chapter 64 - Told You So

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(Songs for this chapter -
All Good Things Return - DANIEL BLACK SAINT
Only Wanna Be With You - POST MALONE)


Simon has been out for hours, he must have been so exhausted. His head is on my thigh, he's holding my hand, and his other arm is wrapped around me sitting gently next to my hip. He's being protective of me even in his sleep, he's so adorable. I have been running my fingers through his hair the last couple of hours, i think it's been keeping him asleep. He hasn't had me around for a month, i had enough trouble being away from him when i was undercover and i knew he was safe, he must of been so worried and hurting a lot.

His hair has grown a lot but so has mine, he's more rough around the edges now, not that he wasn't before but he really is now. I love this stubborn tank of a man, i'm so relived he's alright. The cut on his head is bad but Sam did a good job. She's kept everyone out while Simon is asleep, i want him to get whatever sleep he can. Although slouched over my bed can't exactly be comfy.

"El." I hear him mumble as he stirs awake.

"I'm here sweetness." His eyes open a little wider as he lifts his head up to look at me better.

"Not the first word i'd associate myself with." He says cheekily, kissing my cheek.

"I was trying it out, i'll try to find a name you like." I giggle back.

"You can call me what ever you like sweetheart, if you're saying it then i'll be happy."

"Simon you are so wonderful you know that?"

"Only to you." He whispers.

"Oh good you're awake, Megs has been trying to get in for a few hours." it's Sam at the door.  "Megs!" Sam yells out behind her as she walks past. Simon unravels himself from me as megs comes running in.

"El! Oh my god!" She looks so happy, she runs around the other side of the bed and hugs me.

"Sam said you've been coming in and sitting with me every day that the boys were gone?" I ask inside our hug, but as she lets me go she is staring at Simon.

"Sorry Ghost i just haven't seen you not in your mask. You are much less intimidating this way." I purse my lips to suppress my laugh, Simon looks at me like what the fuck? When did she get so bold? I agree she's been scared of Simon for a long time,  i mean i know he is handsome but he's still massive and covered in scars, i'd say that would be intimidating for her.

"Yes," She continues. "I came and sat and talked with you a lot."

"That's so lovely Megs, thank you." I grab her hand.

"Oh well you know." She shrugs, it was probably as much for her sanity as it was for my company.

"El Sam said you have to take these pills..." Reds trails off as he comes in, he looks around the room at Simon and Megs. He hands the pills to Simon, Megs is squeezing my hand pretty hard.

Oh no, don't tell me...

I look at Megs, then at Reds but as soon as Simon has my pills he gone. I look back at megs, she's gazing after him. My eyes are popping out of my head looking at her.

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Where stories live. Discover now