Chapter 30 - Old Wounds

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I wasn't going to leave you all hanging for too long ❤️

(Songs for this chapter -
Skinny Love - BIRDY
Patience - LOW ROAR
Not about Angels - BIRDY)


"I will rip all their limbs off and send them back...

"GHOST GET HER FUCKING HEADSET OFF!" Reds shouts over comms and the man yelling on our frequency.

...until you come to me so i can finish slicing you to fucking pieces!"

I get the headset off her but it doesn't make a difference, the damage is done. She isn't responding to me.

I kneel down and look in her eyes, this isn't her dissociating, this is so much worse. She's catatonic. Hey eyes are black like her soul was just ripped from her body, it makes my chest hurt, its more painful than getting shot. I pick her up in my arms gripping her tightly, I'm terrified.

"Back to exfil now!" I order. Gaz and Price take point, Trekkie behind us, keeping us covered just in case while we get out of the estate.

I can see Reds sprinting over to us before I see anyone else. He looks just as freaked as I feel.

"How much did she hear?" He reaches in and moves her face towards him. It's hard to even look at her, she's completely shutdown, her eyes are open but otherwise i would think she was dead. My heart rate and anxiety are through the roof.

"Most of it. Who was that?" I ask nervously.

"The man that did this to her," he says touching her cheek scars. "And killed Kal." He grits the second part through his teeth. "Martin Sanchez, the now apparent head of the Suns."

I was freaked before, now my blood is boiling. The pathetic excuse for a human who did this to her is still alive! I will kill him and every last one of his men.

My grip on her tightens as I pull her closer to my chest.

The rest of the of the team come into view and we head to the transport truck. Once we're on board Reds and MacGyver kneel in front of me. Reds holding her hand, MacGyver checking her responsiveness.

"It's not good. She hasn't been this bad for a long time." MacGyver says.

"Can't you give her something?" Bolt asks from behind him.

"It's not that simple." He answers back.

"They have all kinds of drugs now." Bolt is just worried, they all are. "Surely there is..."

"Drugs don't affect her the same as us Marcus you know that." Hawks snaps at him.

"I thought he was dead, I thought we killed him"
Trekkie comments from his hand held device, frantically looking for something.

"So did I." Reds says, his voice is low and angry.

"So that guy is..." Soap wants to know what's going on but doesn't exactly want to ask.

"Kal and I sent her into Caracas undercover and we shouldn't of. Sanchez was a lower rank cartel member back then, but when she was discovered he..." Hawks trails off. Reds scrunches his eyes up.

"Those scars on her cheek are just the start of it. We went in to get her out but still came home a soldier short." Hawks continues.

"To Kal it was more than worth the trade." Reds says looking at Reaper then up to me. "He took a blade to the chest so she didn't."

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