Chapter 48 - The Future

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(Songs for this chapter -
Nobody's Love - MAROON 5
Say You Won't Let Go - JAMES ARTHUR)


"Um Simon, look at my body." I giggle as I stand in front of him in just my underwear. I have red and purple hand and finger bruises all over my legs and torso, hickeys all over my chest.

He looks over at me smirks and then chuckles as he gets into bed.

"I feel like it would be less stressful on my body if I just got your name tattooed across my chest." I laugh as I steal one of his clean shirts and crawl into bed next to him.

"We can go and do that." He cheeks back as he moves down to kiss my thigh. The perfect shape of his hand bruised into it.

"Simon! You are suppose to think those things not say them." I run my fingers through his hair as he keeps kissing my leg.

"Why not?"

"I um... I don't know why."

"Having my name written on you, my initials, this hand print right here, hell anything would be so sexy. I'm not going to tell you what to do with your body but I'll never say no to having something that represents me written in your skin forever."

"Are you asking?" I check.

"Are you considering?" He asks.

"Well yeah, I was joking but you seem so serious about this?"

"I'm serious about you. I'm not going to wake up one day and no longer love you. I want to be with you forever, until we're old and grey." I see the regret in his face as soon as he says it.

"Simon it's okay"

"No it's not."

I move myself and sit up on his waist.

He can tell we're are about to have the talk and he doesn't want to.

"Simon look at me." He reluctantly looks over to my face and sighs.

"We don't know how much time we have together. I am going to die doing this, out on a mission some day. I have accepted it and I need you to as well. I'm not saying don't be upset.
Cry, scream, be angry, grieve me. Just don't do it while I'm still here loving you."

He moves his hands up to my cheeks wiping my tears away, I wasn't even aware I was crying.

"I want to spend as much time with you as I can. I want to erase all your bad memories until it's just happy ones with me. That way when you are old and grey, retired and married with a family and a life you can tell them all about me and I'll get to live on with you."

I'm crying now, that was a lot harder to say than I thought it would be.

"No." He simply says back to me.

"No?" I question him through my tears.

He sits up and brings my crying face closer to his, I can see his eyes are glassy.

"The only way you are dying out on a mission is if I'm already dead."


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