Chapter 76 - Last Night

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(Songs for this chapter -
Say My Name - LATE JUNE
Beige - YOKE LORE)


Okay, I can do this, I can do this. Simon asked me to come back and see her this morning it's fine. Everything will be fine.

I reach out and knock on the door.

Ghost answers a moment later, fully dressed with a face mask on.

"You okay Lt?"

"I'm fine Johnny, just going out to get El some breakfast." He stares back at me for a moment.
"You alright?"

"Yeah. I'm good." I lie, how is he so calm? I'm going out of my mind with anxiety. This is exactly how he was when he knew I was in love with her. Does he really not care? I thought in the light of day he might not speak to me or get me transferred away.

"Johnny," He puts his hand on my shoulder, shaking me out of my nervous thoughts.
"You did good kid, we're good." He's reassuring me, geez Ghost you're making me more emotional.

"She's still in bed, I'll be back later." He says walking past, leaving me in the open door way. God I would kill to be as cool as he is.

I step inside and close the door behind me, it's dead silent as I walk towards the bedroom door. My nerves and heart rate are going up with each step.

She's laying on her side in the bed, messy hair crowding her face. Black panties covering her cute little ass that's peeking out from under Ghosts shirt.

Shit I could implode with how adorable she is, I quietly walk around the bed to her side. Hmm, fuck. Her shirt is lifted up showing her waist. 
I had my hand tightly wrapped around that spot last night.

I can't help myself I have to, I reach over and grab her shirt, gently pulling it down over her hip. My knuckles dragging across her skin, it's so soft god she feels so heavenly.

"Johnny?" She stirs and rolls over looking up at me. A smile on her face as she grabs my arm and pulls me down to sit on the bed next to her.

"How did you know it was me?"

"I know your hands Johnny I can tell when it's you instead of Simon."  Fuck she knows my hands, what is this woman doing to me.

"Johnny..." Uh oh I know that tone. "About last night...I'm sorry."
"I can't hide anything from Simon and he's so set in his mind about giving me what I want that he didn't think about your feelings."

"Are you okay, is there anything I can do for you?" Kiss me for one thing.

"No, I'm okay."

"MacTavish." Shit she only uses my last name when I'm in trouble.
"Don't lie to me." She sits up and puts her hand on my cheek.

"Kiss me." I whisper looking away from her. She slides her hand around to the back of my neck and pulls me to her. My entire body relaxes, I feel so heavy now, she tastes so sweet and sugary like I'll get dizzy if I kiss her too long.

"What else do..." she breaks away and tries to talk to me but I pull her back. Fuck those lips are so divine, I can't get enough even though I know it's wrong.

I break away and put my head on her shoulder, I shouldn't be here I shouldn't be doing this.

"Johnny talk to me, what's going on inside your head?" She whispers it putting her hands through my hair, she always knows what I need.

"I just love you angel, I love being around you even though I shouldn't."

"Johnny," she says it so sweetly as she wraps her arms around me.
"Sweetie please believe me when I say this, listen carefully and don't push it away, you and Ghost are more alike in that area than you think."

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Where stories live. Discover now