Chapter 36 - Move In

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(Songs for this chapter
Broken {feat. Amy Lee} - SEETHER
I Can't Go On Without You - KALEO


Something is wrong, we can all feel it. She shouldn't be taking this long. The sun is up in less than 30 minutes. Reds is moving around to try and get a view of main street to check for anything, we don't exactly know what but we couldn't all just sit and wait.

"Nothing Ghost team." Reds says over the radio.

"Are you sure you got her message right?" Hawks asks back.

"Yes, and even if I didn't. There isn't anywhere else down that street where she could safely get away without being spotted. She has to come through the back of that compound."

I'm beyond worried about her, my shoulders are so tense they are starting to ache. What if the last time I saw her alive was kissing Soap. Fuck, no I can't think like that.

"Maybe she's pinned down somewhere, hiding until the coast is clear." Soap tries to mediate the tension between them.

"That's actually a good point. How's everyone's visibility of the compound?" Hawks asks.

I'm down on a back street in between two buildings with a view of the back gate, it's two blocks away. It hasn't opened all night. I can see two guard towers past it but other than that everything is blocked by the fence from down here.

"Back gate hasn't opened all night." I communicate to the team.

"Front gate has no activity either. I've got men in all four guards towers that I can see from here but no other signs of activity." Hawks tells us his view.

Reds is still getting back into position, so he won't have any visual yet.

"I can see into two of the back buildings, just storage. Let me see if I can move positions to get a visual on the rest." Soap informs us.

"Roger seven-one." Hawks replies.

There is pause of 10 or so minutes while we wait for Soap to move.

"Nothing Ghost team just an office and two garages. No signs of movement." Soap finally answers.

I hope she is okay wherever she is, I keep checking the time, it seems to be going so slow it's like it stopped. I swear 10 minutes ago it was 5:27 am, now it's 5:28 am, this is driving me...

"GHOST MOVE IN NOW!" Soap loudly growls into the radio.

I am already running to the back gate, the second I heard him yell my name. I knew what was wrong.

"She's in the third building east of your position, second story. Six men with her and she doesn't look good, they are..." He frantically yells over comms.

"ARE WHAT!?" Reds shouts. I can hear in his voice that he's running too.

"Are about to assault her." Soap didn't want to say that any more than we wanted to hear it.
"I don't have a clear shot, I can try and get one or two but I might hit El."

"I'll take the chance, wait unit I get into position. Hawks guard towers!" I order through the radio. I know she'd take a bullet over that in a second.

As I get to the gate I see the bodies drop in both towers. I run up and jump over the fence, third building. I see it. I'm coming El, I'm coming.

I shoot two men in front of the second building, not slowing my pace at all. I've never moved with such speed, my adrenaline is through the roof.

"I've lost sight of two men on the bottom floor, she has a knife and a gun on her I will try to take out the two holding her down."

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu