Chapter 35 - Sunrise

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(Songs for the chapter.
Angel by the Wings - SIA
Break my baby - KALEO)


1:30 am, it's later than I thought, shit. I was hoping I'd be out before midnight, giving us plenty of time to get out of the city. I will have to speed things up. I get out a lighter and cigarettes from my jacket pocket. Still in my barely there performing clothes, I don't have time to go back and change. I don't need to there's nothing back there. I just need to get out.

I'm walking along the street smoking, pretending I'm out on a break. I get close to the guard house and take my jacket off, tiny pointless thing. But it's polyester so should melt instead of burn quickly, giving me time to get down to the other side of the street before the fire gets too big.

Thank god Reds came, I know he would of understood what I was trying to tell him. Ghost would of been too angry to pick up on what I was trying to say. Especially after I kissed Soap, if he didn't wear a mask I could of done it to him instead.

My legs give way for a second, my body is beyond exhausted, the endless singing and performing. The constant drugs forced into my system, it's more taxing than it should be, reminding me of the horrors i was in before joining Zeta. I can't sleep as well and trying to gather whatever intel I can so I can get back to Simon. My mind and body are at breaking point, but seeing him tonight, gave me the energy i needed to make it through.

I did it. I got everything we need. I can rest soon. I put the lit cigarette in my jacket pocket. Pretending to trip on purpose this time and dropping the jacket deliberately under the guard house where some other trash and papers are. Perfect.

I start walking towards the other end of the street. All the security eyeing me as I walk past. Every man I pass looking at me like a item they can purchase. Disgusting I hate it. I wink at a few of them and blow a kiss to three guards together towards the end of the street.

Flirting is dangerous around here but it disarms them enough that I can get past without them asking questions. I see some of their heads turn towards the other end of the street. i can hear shouting, the fire worked! Once I'm out of the light from the clubs and the guards are moving towards the fire i run. Run to the compound, up and over the side fence. The back of this place is my only way out of here.

The compound is quiet only a few guards, I can easily avoid them. I sneak between the parked trucks, around the outside of the first building. Getting to the second I can hear some guards arguing, I give them a wide birth. I can see the gate in sight, thank god. Almost there Simon.

But the blunt impact to the back of my head brings me back to reality all too quickly. Two men grab me, one on each side, dragging me by my arms away from the gate, back further into the compound. I try and fight out of their grip but I'm too weakened by the drugs and dizzy from the hit to the head. I was so close, now the gate is getting further and further away from me.

I come to by the pain of my head trying to thump it's way out of my skull, I can't focus my eyes are blurry and the room is spinning. I'm not sure if that's from the hit to the head or the drugs doing it. Probably both.

Someone is yelling, but I can't make it out. Intense pressure followed by a sharp pain to the thigh snaps me out of the daze as I yell more from the shock then the pain and look down to see two nails sticking out of my leg.

I'm hanging from the ceiling by my tied arms. My boots are off, my feet bound and they aren't touching the ground. There is 6 men in the room, evil faces looking back at me.  The man closest to me has a portable nail gun in his hand, my assailant. He grabs my chin hard, I spit at him and he slaps me across the face harder.

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