Chapter 47 - Sergeant

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(Songs for this chapter
Don't Blame Me - TAYLOR SWIFT
Love is Fire - FREYA RIDINGS)


"My turn." She smirks from on top of me, oh she is so deliciously, irresistibly evil. I try and catch my breath, my grip deathly tight on her thighs. She could very well kill me today, as long as I go in between her thighs then I'm happy.

I sit up and force one of her breasts into my mouth, roughly sucking and biting on her. She gasps and pushes her hips against mine, getting me instantly hard for her again, it's a switch that only she controls. I kiss up her chest, marking her as I go because she's mine and she needs to know it. She's already done a few on me herself and I love them. I lick up her neck, tasting sweat and blood but I don't care.

"Look at me beautiful." I command at her in a softer tone than I have used all morning.
"I love you."
She moves her hands sliding them up from my waist across my abs and up to my chest, leaving a hand on my heart and the other going to my back.
"I love you too." Shes calmed down a lot but she's not completed relaxed yet. Her greedy mouth is back on mine, taking what she wants. She can have it all, whatever she needs it's hers.

She wraps her leg under my waist and rolls us off the bed, i hit the ground hard, harder with her body on top of me.
"You broke my spine." I cough out. She smirks and plays with me. "But in the best way."

She sits up using her hand to guide me back inside her. I sit up with her and press my forehead to hers. Closing my eye to focus on feeling inside of her as she slides down on top of me. I curse under my breath and she gasps as she gets all of me back in. It's a moment of intimacy before she's back to being wicked. Wrapping her legs around my waist, digging her nails into my shoulders, grinding forcefully back and forth on me, it's so intensely satisfying I have to bury my face in her neck otherwise I will explode again already. My hands have been grabbing at her so tightly I know she'll be covered in bruises after this. My fingers dig into her waist this time.
"Can you not handle this handsome?" She teases cruelly. "Do you need me to stop?"

"Fuck no." I whisper in her ear before I bite down on it.

I don't know how long we were at it, it felt like days, weeks to me. She's bruised, I'm bleeding but I've never had a bigger smile on my face. Once she's more calm we move to the showers and keep going. She can't get enough of me and I will never say no to her. Her face is flushed as I vigorously fuck her up against the shower wall. Her breasts bouncing with each jarring movement is so fucking sexy. I have covered her in possessive marks again, she's done a few more on me but not as many. She's close to climaxing again when we hear the door to the bathrooms open. I don't stop. She shakes her head and tries to stop me but I smirk and keep going. Watching her try to stop herself from going over the edge is so satisfying.

"Reaper are you in here?" It's Megs.

"Yes Megs I'm just washing off the blood." She tries to say it normally but it comes out stuttered.

"Okay I was just checking on you, Price wants to see you."

"I'll be done in a minute." She tries to speak again her pitch uneven, closing her eyes and putting her hands on the shower walls, oh less than a minute sweetheart.
I take over her mouth so she can moan into me as we hear Megs leave and she loses it.
So fucking sexy, and she's all mine.

She smiles at me giggling as we calm our breathing. "You are so bad."
"You loved it." I tease back at her.
She bites her bottom lip, oh I could ruin her all over again just for that. I slowly put her down, giving her legs time to adjust back to supporting her own weight.

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