Chapter 61 - Aiden

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I couldn't wait to post this chapter so I stayed up all last night to make sure it was ready ❤️

(Songs for this chapter -
Give In {feat. Airling}- XAVIER DUNN
Tearing Me Up - BOB MOSES)


"Well they are all gone again, here not even 24 hours. But you'd be use to that. Ghost was happy and sad to see you. As was Soap, although he would never admit it in front of me." I brush some of her hair out of her face.
"How lucky you are to have two men in love with you, I'd be happy with just one." I laugh, I always talk to her like this, like she understands and can answer back.

"Am I intruding on girl talk or can I come in?" I snap my head up to the door and see Reds.

"Reds! You're still here?" I say standing up from sitting on the bed next to El.

"Yeah Sam wouldn't let me go seeing as I still have a fever, didn't want me to endanger the team bla bla bla." He is such a baby when he doesn't get his way.

"Well she has a point. What if you pass out or something?"

"Don't you start too woman." He sasses at me as he sits down on the other side of El.

"Fine i won't." I giggle in surrender. It's very easy for me to be myself around him, I don't know why.

I open my book and start reading, we just sit in silence of a moment but it's only a moment.

"What are you reading?" Reds asks inquisitively.

"A book." I sass him.

"No shit Missy, what's it about?" I don't really want to say he's going to laugh.
"I won't laugh, tell me." I forgot how good he is at reading people. Can't really hide much from him.

"It's a romance novel okay." I sigh, i found it in Sam collection of books and she said i could have it.

"Oh yeah. How does the story go?" I finally put my book down and look up at him as he asks.
"What? I'm genuinely interested i swear." He smiles over at me, sitting up slightly in his chair.

"Its about a girl named Daisy who owns a bakery and this guy comes in one day, Derrick who falls in love with her straight away but she's been hurt to many times before and she won't let anyone into her heart. So he spends days, weeks coming to see her trying to prove his love for her." I look over at him to see his reaction, he's thinking about it.

"And? Does she finally love him back?" He actually wants to know, that's kind of cute.

"I don't know yet." I hold up the book and show him my book mark, i'm only about a third of the way through.

"Well if it has a happy ending let me know, i can't stand sad ones."

"Why?" I ask but i'm the same i don't like to read on if its going to make me cry for days.

"Because life is sad enough, reading is for escaping it, not to endure more of it." I can understand that, he's seen and experienced enough horrible things.

"What if it's sad in the middle but has a happy ending?"

"I guess that would be okay, but I still wouldn't be happy about it." I laugh at his response.

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