6. Comfort

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The salty betrayals finally made their way out. Tears flowed continuously out of her eyes.

It didn't take a second for Kakashi to pull her in his embrace. He patted her head & whispered " Cry all you want... Let it out Miwa. It's better to let go. " She stood there in his embrace.

She cried her heart out. Tears never stopped, soaking his jacket completely.

Kakashi didn't mind even a bit. He knows it's better for her to let it out all at once. Or else it won't do anything good to her.

An hour passed, both of them didn't move an inch. She stopped crying awhile ago but didn't move. On the other hand Kakashi understood that she still needs time.

"Feeling better now...? " He asked slowly, finally she looked up. Her red shot eyes clearly showed her pain & suffering.

She nodded as yes... She moved away from him a little. "Thank you... Kakashi " Miwa mumbled slowly. He smiled a bit " Anything"


At Kakashi's house:
Currently Kakashi was preparing dinner while miwa was sitting there. Guy & Asuma visited them awhile ago. But later they left to visit Kurnai. Since her father who was of the jonin passed away in the tragic event.

"I can help too ya know... " She again asked him for the 4th time of the evening while he just simply shook his head as a no.

" It's been a long day, just sit back & relax" He said cooking the dishes. Soon he finished. " That's a lot of food for two of us. " Miwa said looking that dishes in front of her.

" You sure do talk too much. Just shut up & eat " He said playing a bowl of rice in front of her. " How will I eat if I shut up? " She replied back. Both of them laughed.

She took one bite of fried chicken, it blow her away. She moaned softly " It's tasty... I never knew your a chef. " She said while chewing the food. " Liked it? It's Kakashi's style" He replied feeling proud while she smiled " Your so full of your self ya know. "


It was past mid night but Miwa couldn't sleep. She turned to the right again. It's not like the bed is uncomfortable for her. It was like sleep was taken away from her.

She remembered all the happy moments with her brother Min. And with her family & friends. Everyone in her life was now gone. Only she was left.

" Trouble with sleep " A voice broke her thoughts. She looked at that direction. " You didn't sleep? " She asked.

Kakashi nodded his head as yes. " For some reason I couldn't... " He sat up. Miwa did the same. " And... What is it? Mind sharing? " She mumbled the last sentence slowly.

" When I was young I lost my father. He committed suicide because of breaking the rules. He made his decision to protect his comrades instead of carrying out his mission. " Miwa's eyes widen hearing about his father.

" Even his comrades, he saved turned their back against him. He couldn't stand it. Everyone in the village started to hate him. " He continued while Miwa sat there listening to him. She was completely shocked.

" After his dead. I completely changed I never cared about my comrades. All I ever cared about is rules. Maybe that's the reason I got the name “Kakashi the cold blooded ninja”... " He chuckled at the end.

" But after I join team 7, a close friend of mine changed me again. He made me realize what my father did was correct."

" I never saw my mom, since the beginning all I have was my father, I guess that's why I changed. I never acknowledged my friend, while that idiot never left my side. "

Kakashi took a deep breath & spoke again. " Finally when I started to be his friend, fate didn't let that happen. During the 3rd Great ninja war he died protecting me & my other friend/ teammate Rin. He loved her since forever. He couldn't even confess his feelings. "

" I was promoted as jonin that time, during our battle, I lost my left eye while saving them. He was a weakling, but he never gave up on his dreams. He always worked hard. "

"He was crushed between big stones. He pushed me away & sacrificed himself instead of me. "

" He died for a scum like me. He gave his sharingan as a gift to me, becoming a jonin. He asked me to protect Rin... & again I couldn't keep that promise. And now I even lost my Minato sensei. " He said & looked down while Miwa stood up & made her way towards him. She placed her hand on his.

" Your not scum Kakashi " She said wiping his tears. He closed his eyes. "Your a kind person Miwa. " He said while she smiled.

"Your no less than me... You did change your ways after your friend passed away didn't you? You started to care about your comrades. So I guess he didn't fail. I'm sure he would be happy for you" Miwa said holding his hand. While Kakashi smiled & gripped her hand.

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