Acquaintances | JHS

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Hoseok and you were acquaintances. You both went to the same college and shared a few classes together. You can see that he is shy but around his friends he is goofy and jokes a lot. You didn't realize but you developed a crush on him.

You didn't get to talk with him properly as you were too shy to approach him.

When the professor teamed you both up for a group project, you were over the moon. You glanced at hoseok and at the same time, he looked at you. You gave him a small smile which he returned. After the class, you both exchanged numbers and agreed to meet up at your dorm which is the reason why you were running around the house like a maniac. You had been cleaning your house for hours, trying to keep it clean as you were a messy person.

You were in your sweats and hoodie. Of course, you could have dressed up more but you didn't want him to think that you were dressed up just for him.

When Hoeseok knocked on your door, your palms were sweating and you opened the door revealing Hoseok.

"Hey Y/N." he smiled

"Hey" you greeted him and opened the door wider. "Come in"

He stepped inside your room, observing the polaroids you have stuck on the wall. They were your childhood pictures. Hoseok found them cute.

"You have a nice room" he said smiling at you.

"Thanks" you sheepishly said as you sat down on the floor where you had spread out the project materials. He sat down on the floor and began to unpack is his books. To break the awkward silence, you both started talking about the project and started doing it.

You both worked hard and now it was less awkward. Pushing your laptop aside you glanced at him who was reading something.

"Do you want to order something or we could have ramen? You asked him.

"Ramen is good" his eyes sparkled. He helped you in making it even though it wasn't very difficult. You both sat down and started eating. As you both reached for the hot sauce, your hands touched and you both pulled away blushing furiously.

"You take first," he said avoiding your eyes.

"Thanks," you said taking it with your head down because you knew that your face is probably red. After some time he loosened up a little and started telling you some jokes which made you both laugh. Suddenly, he reached out to the corner of your mouth and wiped something with his thumb. A million butterflies flooded into your stomach at his casual act.

He didn't seem to have noticed it until he saw your surprised expression. He flushed red.

"Uhh t-there was s-some hot sauce t-there s-so I just w-wanted to..." He stuttered.

"It's okay, thank you" You chuckled and smiled cutely at him. His heart was beating so loudly that he was sure you could hear it and it was all because of your smile. He thought you were very beautiful and he couldn't deny that you made him feel something.

You continued your project and in between, you started talking casually as if you were friends from ages. Just then you both realized that it was midnight and it was drizzling lightly.

"I should probably get going. It's already late and I should go to my dorms before the downpour might actually turn into a storm." he joked and was about to head towards the door.

"You can stay here for the night" you blurted out and your face turned red when you realized what you said.

"Really?" he asked with his eyes sparkling and obviously, you can't resist them.

"Y-yeah" you stuttered out.

"I'll sleep on the floor," he said

"NO" you cried, "Uhm I mean I don't have anything for you to sleep on, like a duvet or something."

"It's okay I don't have any pro-"

"You can sleep on the bed" you cut him off. You looked down as your face was looking like a tomato.

"W-we can keep the pillows in between," you said and he agreed.

Both of you put away your books and crawled to the bed. You shifted closer to the wall to give him as much space as you can. Hoseok placed a pillow between you both and laid down on the bed. None of you talked. The rain was the only sound in the room. Eventually, you slept. Hoseok then turned around to face you. He started at your peaceful face for a while, then he slipped into his dreamed hearing your soft breathing. At night, the pillow separating you both was pushed away and you ended up in his arms, your head against his chest.


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