Chapter 18

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When the strange man finished talking and went outside, we went back to our house.

"We shall know what is going on"

I nodded and began to think and made up my mind to go to Robert's castle and hear their conversations. We arrived there, hid behind a wall and tried to hear anything. They couldn't hear except doors being opened and others being closed but I could hear every single thing ,

"Are you sure about your plans?" said a voice.

"What do you mean?" said another

"You're busy all the time trying to kidnap Catharina and the Werewolves are making their plans ready" said the first voice.

I heard foot steps.

"Damien I bet I am the Vampire king, not you so put your filthy tongue in your mouth and keep silent" muttered the second voice.

It soon appeared to be Robert for I took a quick glimpse of the room they were in, I also saw a servant with him and he was the one who was giving me my breakfast. Heavy foot steps could be heard moving outside the room.

"What plans?" I whispered.

"I don't know, maybe we should stay here until we hear anything beneficial" replied Jake.

I nodded. I also heard more conversations done by Robert and the servant again which made me know that Damien was a cheater. I looked from the window of a dark room but it wasn't so to me for I now can see in the darkness as sharp as in light. I peered trying to see who was standing in front of it and realized that it was Bracken.

"Don't try to look inside this room, it's dark already!" said Carson.

"No to me it's not" I replied. "We're dead now"


I nodded.

"Bracken is watching us from that room, hoping that we wouldn't see him, but I did"

Carson looked there but couldn't see anything.

"Maybe you're right" he said.

I quickly took a step back when I heard voices of men.

"What is it?" questioned Jake.

"Hush Jake"

I soon heard footsteps coming near us and I was sweating like chicken.


Called a voice I slowly looked up and found Bracken. Uh crap!

"Ah we were just having a walk"

"Why don't you have a walk inside?" murmured Bracken.

"Uh no thanks" I replied worriedly.

He smiled at me and held my hand.

"Don't touch her!" threatened Carson.

Bracken gave a small laugh and squeezed Carson's neck with a wide smile.

"Don't you dare threaten me little kid!"

I got out a sword I had and drew it at his face.

"Catharina what's wrong with you? You're not good at fencing!"

I tried to get it near him but it was so heavy. He caught it and tried to take it from me but I struggled, the sword swung in the open air hoping to reach any of us, it was pushed forward then backwards. I struggled trying to push him away but he struggled back. Carson tried to help me but Bracken was so strong, I grabbed the sword from him and we both rolled on the floor. The poor sword flipped in the air and we both jumped up trying to catch it but unfortunately we both caught it at the same time. Jake was watching the guards hoping that the noise didn't reach them. I dragged the sword towards me then pushed it forwards again and it reached Bracken's heart making him shiver and let go of the sword, he died so quickly and that was good.

"Nice shot"

"Vampires only die with a sword dug in their hearts"

He gave a smile and hugged me.

"I feared he could kill you"

"Fortunately, he didn't"

He smiled at Jake arrogantly. Uh please don't start now! We went be to our house and a feeling of relief entered me, refreshing my face after it was pail. A feeling of happiness, of safety. I wouldn't feel worried any more. Bracken's death should be a blow for Robert now. I just had to return it right back at his face.

"Catharina why are you late?" questioned Ethan.

"Did Robert bother you again?" he continued.

"It was Bracken, but he wouldn't bother me anymore"

"Why are you so sure?'

"I'm just sure" I said with a smile.

Ethan looked at me surprised. I went back to my bed feeling satisfied with what I had done and that was the first time I had ever killed a Vampire, it was a good feeling to kill your enemy though I didn't like it.

Eternity [The Vampire Witch] (Bites Booĸ 2) Where stories live. Discover now