Chapter 22

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Ethan soon arrived with Grace and Calum. I was trying to interrupt Ethan and deny the sounds that came from Damien's room. He was all the time laughing like a psychopath.

"What was that sound?" he asked.

"What sound?" I naïvely questioned.

He came close to the room and listened carefully.

"Oh um... it's just Calum, he sometimes likes to go there and sit alone, when he needs some privacy" I answered trying to convince him.

Ethan nodded and went to his room. I headed to Damien's room and entered angrily. He was sitting on the floor and laughing all the time.

"Can't you keep silent and put your tongue in your mouth?" I yelled hitting him in the face.

"Make me"

"Oh sorry Mr but I am not going to make you for if I told Ethan that a Vampire is here, he would kill you at that exact moment, so you better put your stupid tongue in your mouth"

He made a laugh again and caught my foot.

"Where is my food?" he said. "Ah yes and by the way I want a fresh cup of blood with it"

I pushed my leg away from him angrily.

"Sorry we don't have blood here" I muttered.

"Then you could give me some of yours!" he said with a loud laugh.

"I won't give you a drop from my blood, it's not for sale"

He again laughed, caught my hand, dragged me near him and whispered in my ear.

"Then you should see how I would suck your blood until the last drop when I am out of here" he murmured.

I pulled my ear away from him and looked at him frustrated.

"Then we should make sure you're dead before Robert comes to free you" I answered as I gave a cold smile.

I think Vampires become like drunk people without blood.

He again laughed and gave me a frustrating look. I went out of the room and locked the door behind me. I went to Drake's room and sat beside him.

"Damien needs blood" I said.

"Then he should suck his own" muttered Drake.

"I am talking seriously, he's about to die"

I took a knife, injured my hand and put some droplets of blood in a cup and before quarter of it was filled Drake put a piece of cotton on my hand and and dried the blood.

"Save your blood, he doesn't deserve it" he said. "Let him take blood from someone else"

"I am the only Vampire here and he wouldn't drink blood from a Werewolf"

I took the cup, dried my injured hand, opened the door and threw the cup, he caught the cup and quickly drank it.

"I need more"

"Sorry that's all what I've got for you"

He caught the injured hand and pulled me near him. He tried sucking my blood but I pushed him away.

"I said that's all what I've got for you" I yelled.

"I knew you would come back with some blood for if I died, Robert would kill you all" he murmured.

"Then you don't know that he needs me more than you, do you?" I said hitting him.

He rested his head on the ground and smiled at himself. I went outside and shut the door behind me.

What a pathetic creature he is!

Eternity [The Vampire Witch] (Bites Booĸ 2) Where stories live. Discover now