Chapter 29

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I had a small walk with Drake and Carson.

"Catharina can we have some privacy?" started Carson.

He took me aside and started whispering.

"Why is Drake talking to you all the time? Is it that you love him more than me?"

"What? Don't be silly now! It's just something secretive"

He sighed and tried not to loose his temper.

"Catharina what is so important that you and Drake are hiding?"

"It isn't something good, it's bad actually"

"Bad? How bad?"

I sighed and bit my lips.

"Carson! We killed two men, are you happy now?!" I yelled.

He looked shocked and went back to Drake. Ah he is pathetic! I was hit by a stranger and he quickly got out a knife. Oh shit!

"Look we don't have much time for you now" yelled Drake taking out his arch.

He quickly hit an arrow and it successfully reached his heart.

"Nice shot" I praised him.

Carson bit his lips so hard that I felt that it was about to be cut into to pieces. This person is terribly jealous! After the walk was done and we entered the house safely. Jake came close to me looking shocked.

"Did you have fun?" he questioned.

I nodded. He headed back to his room and leaned his head on it. I didn't really care about him now for I didn't want him to start being jealous too. The only thing that I was thinking about right now is about what is going to happen between the Vampires and us and that was killing me.

-Ethan's POV-

I finished my work with the guards, headed back to my house, went to Drake's room and closed the door behind me.

"What is it Ethan?"

"Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"The war?"

Drake looked from the window and was surprised by the massive amounts soldiers. He nodded and we slowly marched downstairs trying not to wake anyone. I stood at the front with Calum beside me and Drake was the last one as he would use his arch. They all turned to wolves and I and Drake were the only ones who were still human. I looked at my pack, at the houses surrounding my own and at the tiny forest that was separating my pack from Robert's village fearing it to be the last look.

"Fight with all what you have from power until the last breath, leave no Vampire alive, leave no cheater living among us, fight even if you were the last man standing in front of all the Vampires, have no mercy nor fear, let God be with us till the end" I cried for all the soldiers to hear.

"Long lives the Alpha" came the reply from them.

We went to the forest and were quickly met by the Vampires and I feared that Catharina would see the fight and try to help me.

"This is the last war then?" cried Robert.

"Indeed it is"

"Look at how tiny your soldiers are! You surely won't win"

"Just start the war and you'll see"

Eternity [The Vampire Witch] (Bites Booĸ 2) Where stories live. Discover now