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Jimin smiled excitedly and waved at the front desk man who seemed to be already tired of being there. He looked up at the smiling boy with a frown plastered on his face.

"Can I help you?"

"Hi! I'm here for the kids." Jimin said, sliding his screening paper towards him. It proved that he wasn't sick and wasn't a danger to the immunosuppressed children.

"The kids? What kids? Sir, do you know how many kids we have here at the hospital? Are you a kidnapper?" He asked ready to press the security extension .

"No! No! I'm here to cheer them up. I come every so often to read them books and to distract them? Park Jimin. That's my name. I should've introduced myself to begin with."

The man looked down at his stack of papers, "Ahh yes. I remember my supervisor telling me about you. Next time don't come in with a bag and that creepy smile on your face asking about 'the kids'."

Jimin felt a slight blush on his face, "I should've been more specific uhh...Vernon?" He asked as he read the name tag.


"Oh, I was reading your name."

"It sounded like a question."

"Yeah I was a little unsure if that was actually your name."

Vernon grabbed his name tag and looked at it. "It's spelled correctly. That's my name. Tell me Park Jimin, do you wear glasses? Maybe you should put them on before seeing 'the kids'. You don't want to confuse them now do you?" He asked as he picked up the phone to dial a number.

Jimin cringed as he scratched the back of his neck. "Please stop saying 'the kids'. It sounds weird."

For the first Vernon smiled. He seemed to be enjoying this a little too much. "That's what you said you were here for right?" He teased.

"Well yes but—"

"Exactly so you can't take it back now because you said—Mr. Nakamoto, hello. It's Vernon. I'm letting you know that Park Jimin is here." Vernon's voice changed quickly as soon as Yuta answered the phone.

Jimin waited patiently as Vernon got off the phone until he finally did. "Mr. Nakamoto will be here shortly."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Unfortunately, that's  literally part of my job."

Jimin knew he should've dropped the subject but he simply couldn't. "Listen Vernon when I got here I should've said—"

"You're still with that huh?"

"Yes, because I don't want to seem like a weirdo. I've been here before plenty of times actually! You can ask Yuta about me. We know each other personally. I'm even friends with Taehyung who works here. Do you know Taehyung?"

"Who doesn't know Taehyung? He's eye candy around here. I would kill to have him even look at me once. Too bad he's on the top floor and I have no business going there."

"Ahh so you do know him? See, I'm trustworthy. I'm a truly nice person and—"

"Are you trying to work here?"

"Not really, no. I just like to volunteer. I'm in school right now to become a pediatrician."

"Oh okay. I was honestly going to offer you our janitor position. We need one urgently. We're very short staffed."

"Umm thank you but no."

"See I'm trying to be nice and you're just shutting me down."

"I'm sorry! I—"

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