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Taehyung watched as Jungkook ate his sandwich in peace while he hummed. The weather outside was nice.

The late August air was not as hot or humid. They hadn't had time to hang outside of work because of their hectic shifts.

So they took the opportunity to eat lunch together now that their times finally collided. It was only fifteen minutes because one of them had to return since they were extremely short staffed at the moment.

Although he did enjoy time with Jungkook, he had been a little relieved that he didn't have to spend too much time alone with him.

He couldn't stop thinking of his ex while being with Jungkook and it made him extremely guilty. He felt like a terrible person for this because Jungkook was a literal angel and he was betraying him with his thoughts.

"You're not hungry? You haven't touched your sandwich." Jungkook pointed out.

His sweet voice brought him back to reality. Though he knew he was acting distant towards him, Jungkook did not change the way he was.

In fact, he was acting normal like nothing happened but Taehyung knew he could tell his indifference and that he was avoiding bringing it up.

Every time Jungkook would lean in he'd find an excuse to lean back. When he would try to hold his hand he'd quickly let go trying to change the focus.

Yet, Jungkook did not say a word.

Jungkook endured his cold shoulder without losing that sweet smile on his face. He never asked why or made him feel guilty about it.

Taehyung's heart felt heavy thinking of what Jungkook was imagining. Could he sense that their summer romance was coming to an end?

"I'm not hungry." He admitted.

"Did you have breakfast?"

"Yes I did."

"Oh. Try to not wait too long to eat. It can give you a headache or hurt your stomach."

"Thank you."

"For what?" He asked with a chuckle.

"For caring about me."

Jungkook grinned, "Of course. How can I not?"

Taehyung smiled sadly. He would be the cause of Jungkook's smile being taken away. It was his stupid fault for not being able to let go of his past.

Why did he have to be fucking late that day to work? Why did he have to forget his damn work badge? Why did she have to be there?

If he hadn't seen her, he wouldn't have had those emotions again. He would still look at Jungkook and feel his heart speed.

He'd still look at Jungkook and be excited to effortlessly fall for him. But now things were different and neither of them could turn back time.

"Jungkook, I like you."

"I like you too." He smiled excitedly.

The silence that followed behind slowly settled with Jungkook and that's when he realized this wasn't a love confession.

It was a goodbye.

"You like me but what?" His words were quiet, almost like he was too afraid to ask.

Taehyung briefly looked down at his hands and then got the courage to look back at him. He needed to be honest and not be a coward.

"But I still have feelings for my ex. I saw her recently and I realized that I haven't forgotten her. I can't keep leading you on making you think this could lead to something long term because I don't think it will."

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