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Yoongi woke up to Taehyung slightly shaking him. There was a sense of urgency in his voice though Yoongi could not comprehend what he was saying.

Taehyung's voice sounded muffled as Yoongi struggled to open his eyes. He'd been sleeping more than usual lately. It was probably because he was still sad about Jimin.

The holidays were also a culprit of Yoongi's sadness. During November and December it was always the hardest for him emotionally. With December right around the corner it was hard for him to stay hopeful.

He blamed the cheerfulness and Christmas decorations for his seasonal depression. He wanted to be elsewhere besides stuck in a hospital doing treatments back to back.

"Yoongi!" Taehyung said louder.

Yoongi finally opened his eyes and waited for his vision to adjust. He could see Taehyung's face and when he did he knew something was wrong.

"What is it?" He asked as he glanced at the clock on his wall. It was three thirty in the morning.

"We received a call from UNOS and they have a set of lungs. We need to get the process started. Doctor Choi and Doctor Kwon are going to gather them right now. I have to start getting your notes ready and in the meantime we need to take you downstairs to the radiology department. You need a chest x-ray and lab work to check your hemoglobin and..."

Yoongi stared at him as he spoke. He no longer could hear what he said. There was a ringing in his ears preventing him from hearing anything.

He could physically see his mouth move and his facial expressions but his brain could not grasp the words he spoke.


The sudden touch on his shoulder caused him to gasp and he realized he'd been unintentionally holding his breath the whole time. He coughed loudly against his arm as he gasped for the air to fill his lungs.

Was this a dream?

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Just try to control your breathing." Taehyung calmly spoke. He could tell that Yoongi was in some sort of shock.

"I've called your parents. They're on the way. They told me they will let your friends know as well."

Yoongi nodded because he was speechless. He got up from the bed with Taehyung's assistance. He felt weak, his knees like jelly as he headed to the bathroom first.

"I'm going to wait out here."

Yoongi nodded again. He stepped in the bathroom and stared at himself for a whole minute. This would probably be the last time he had oxygen on. His mind was racing and he wondered where did all the excitement go?

This is something he'd wanted basically his whole life and now that the moment was here he was frozen in fear.

It could've been the survivors' guilt peeking through. He knew if he didn't make it that his family and friends would be destroyed. He needed to survive no matter what.

He splashed his face with cold water making him shiver. It felt good against his flushed face. After brushing his teeth and using the bathroom he stepped out.

Taehyung gave him a look and Yoongi finally spoke. "I'm okay. Let's do this."

Taehyung was relieved. Once Yoongi grabbed his mask and adjusted his portable oxygen tank strap, he followed his nurse behind.

The radiology department was cold. They made him change into an awfully thin paper gown. Luckily the x-ray was quick. It took longer for him to get undressed and positioned than the actual procedure.

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