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Jimin slowly walked towards the nurses desk. He took a deep breath extending his arm out trying to touch the furniture.

"Sir? Are you okay?" Chan asked, standing up.

Jimin closed his eyes briefly and the buzzing in his ears finally stopped. "Yes. I'm fine." He responded by opening his eyes again.

"What are you doing here? How did you get through?"

"I've got my ways." Jimin said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Sir, visiting hours are over. It's close to midnight." Chan pointed out. He recognized him of course but he still had rules to follow.

"I know but I need to speak to my boyfriend really quickly. Shit, my friend. He's my friend." Jimin murmured, rubbing his temples. He knew a headache would come any second now.

The alcohol was at its full effect. He felt it when he was leaving the restaurant. He felt it when Chanyeol offered to drive him to his apartment but he declined. He felt it when he got in the Ubers car and asked him to drive him to Health Bridge Hospital. He felt it when he cried at Vernon's desk asking to please let him in. He certainly felt it when he was being swabbed for a rapid respiratory panel before being allowed to go up the elevator.

The phone rang and Chan picked it up. "Yes Vernon. He's here. Oh. I see. Yeah. Okay."

"What?" Jimin asked, looking up at him. He didn't know if it was his pitiful face, but Chan seemed to have a softer expression. Maybe Vernon told him about his little spectacle downstairs.

"I can give you five minutes max. Only if Yoongi wants to see you."

Jimin nodded his head eagerly as he swallowed his mint. He didn't want to smell like alcohol. He hoped it wasn't too noticeable.

"Hey Yoongi—"

"Chan, I'm fine. I was fine three minutes ago when you called me. Let me try to sleep."

Chan sighed, putting his phone down. "He hung up."

"Please let me see him! I need to speak to him. Please."

Chan bit his lip, he was a sucker for a sad face. Vernon told him he had been crying at the front desk and that's why he got in. Jimin did look visibly upset.

"Okay but if at any moment he presses the button I'm coming to get you."

"Okay. Yeah."

Jimin stumbled a little as he got to Yoongi's door. Taking a deep breath knocked. The faint buzzing in his ears started once again. All of his senses were accelerated.

His pulse was thumping in his eardrums. It only worsened once he heard Yoongi's footstep and the door aggravatingly swing open.

"Chan I told you—" Yoongi froze and his angry expression disappeared. It was replaced by utter shock.

"Can I come in?"

Yoongi's throat tightened and the emotions he had been trying to hide were threatening to spill through. Stubbornly, he swallowed it down and moved aside to let Jimin in.

He caught a glance of Chan who was looking over at him. Yoongi nodded letting him know it was okay as he closed the door.

"Yoongi, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I don't like you being mad. I don't like not talking to you or seeing you."

"Jimin, no I'm the one that's sorry. I—I overreacted."

"So you're not mad at me?" He asked with wide eyes.

Yoongi looked at Jimin extensively. There was something odd about him but he couldn't tell what it was. He wore black pants, a black tucked shirt with a black belt. His boots were matching and had a small heel to them making him look slightly taller.

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