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Yoongi looked at himself in the mirror for the hundredth time. Each time he was more disappointed than before.

He groaned angrily while combing his frizzy hair back. It was long enough now to tie it in a small bun. It was thick and voluminous making it hard to tame it down.

He was wearing the green emerald outfit Jimin had ordered for him. It still fit him rather large even though they had decided to size it down.

Today was Jimin's birthday.

It was a special day. One that Jimin had decided to come spend with him or at least for a little bit. He wanted to look good for him.

Yoongi felt ridiculous attempting to look good for someone that didn't see him that way. Jimin would probably not even look at him twice and yet he couldn't help himself.

He sighed stepping away from the mirror before he decided to change his outfit again or found something else wrong with his appearance. It was pointless to 'dress up' when he would end up covering it with a thick jacket, gloves and a scarf.

Jimin wanted to cloud watch and the October weather was quite chilly. Not cold enough for everyone else but to someone like Yoongi it wasn't worth risking catching a cold.

He sat on his bed with the small gift box in his hands. He really hoped Jimin liked it. In all honesty, he wanted to get him more things but he didn't want to make him feel weird about his gifts.

Maybe Jimin would take it the wrong way or interpret it for something else. Yoongi tapped his fingers on the box impatiently.

It's not that Jimin was late, because he wasn't. Yoongi had been ready an hour in advance. Now that the time was getting closer to him arriving his adrenaline was over the edge.

The minutes seemed to dread by slower. He thought of how to greet Jimin. He had to hug him of course. It was his birthday.

Would a side hug be sufficient?

He debated whether he should give him the birthday card he got for him with the little message he wrote. The last thing he wanted was to drive Jimin further away.

The point was to convince Jimin nothing had changed between them. To convince him that Yoongi didn't feel a thing for him, but it was difficult to mask his emotions.

He felt so much for Jimin.

Too much it was hard and painful to contain. Loving him in silence was depressing. It was weighing him down.

A knock on the door made him get up. He quickly put the gift inside a drawer to hide it. He took a deep breath and wiped his clammy hand before opening the door.

His heart both raced and ached at the sight of him. Fuck, why couldn't things be different? If they were he'd greet him with a big hug and a kiss. Instead, he greeted him with a practiced smile and an awkward wave.

"Hi Jimin! Happy birthday!"

Jimin entered the room and grinned excitedly, "Thanks so much. I appreciate it. The green outfit looks really good on you."

Yoongi laughed a little telling his brain this was a simple friendly compliment. Nothing else. "Yeah I really like it."

"I brought you your favorite warm drink." He said putting down a brown bag and a plastic cup of coffee down.

"It's your birthday. You shouldn't be buying me things." He mumbled however he felt so internally happy inside to know that Jimin thought of him.

"I figured it would keep you warm when we go up there." He smiled.

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