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"I'm really sorry we couldn't go on that date." Jimin apologized.

"It's not a big deal. It's not like you wanted it to rain. This seems nice too." Yoongi said as he looked around Jimin's living room.

The couch had various fluffy pillows and a big throw blanket. The sound of the rain could be heard from the windows. The lighting was a little dim though to the curtains and the cloudy weather outside.

It felt so homey.

Since they started dating a few months back, he'd been to Jimin's apartment a few times. They mainly hung out at his house, but Yoongi did enjoy coming over to Jimin's place for a change of scenery.

"Yeah. This seems like a relaxing time. I'm making popcorn! Feel free to sit or do whatever." Jimin called from his kitchen.

Yoongi hummed as he approached the big window. He opened the curtain a little peeking outside. His apartment was located in the city. It was extremely peaceful to watch the rain fall over the tall buildings on a mid July afternoon.

There was nothing specific about this Saturday afternoon, but Jimin made everyday special. It could've been a Monday and it would've still been perfect.

"Ready! I brought you a Pepsi. I hope that's fine."

Yoongi put the curtains back and smiled, "Sounds lovely. Thank you."

Jimin put the tray of popcorn down along with the two cans of Pepsi on the center table. Yoongi sat on the couch as Jimin put the blanket over their laps to keep them warm.

Yoongi took the bowl of popcorn and put it between them while Jimin navigated the tv to find something to watch.

"I wish we could've done the weekend festival. It's a must on your bucket list." Jimin said in an apologetic tone. He truly did feel bad for the cancellation.

Yoongi chuckled, "Jimin, it's truly okay. My bucket list is incredibly long. We don't literally have to do every single thing. When we first met you got the short version for a reason."

"Are you kidding me? We must complete it all because my bucket list consists in fulfilling yours! I've been looking into number forty-six for a while now. Skydiving sounds thrilling huh?"

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, "Keep in mind that when I was making this list I was for sure I was going to die. I don't want to skydive anymore. I'm trying to slow the process and not progress it."

"What really? Taehyung's done it with his girlfriend and he says it's cool! He even sent me pictures! They did it not too long ago."

"Taehyung is also a psychopath so it's irrelevant."

Jimin laughed, "Fair enough. We could do indoor skydiving." He suggested while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Okay I'll be open to that. Maybe."

"Awesome. So what movie do you want to watch?" He asked, turning his attention back to the screen.

"Uhh...Twilight? It's raining and I'm down for some cringey love vampire shit."

"Oh geez. Namjoon makes me watch this every year! He hasn't lately and I'm assuming it's because he forces Jin to do it now."

"Yeah, Jin tells me how much he hates it." He chuckled.

Jimin smiled defeated, "I guess we can watch Twilight since you love it so much."

"Yes!" Yoongi grinned way too excitedly.

They watched the movie while occasionally chatting about how awkward it got at times. They also commented very often how hot Carlisle looked.

The movie was over in the blink of an eye or at least that's what it felt like. Jimin put the empty popcorn container on the center table and then laid back on his couch.

Bucket List [Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now