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"I don't think Taehyung is happy about this." Yoongi murmured as the elevator door closed behind.

Taehyung was staring mighty hard at them both making Yoongi nervous. He was pretty comfortable with his nurse but when he got serious it was quite scary.

"He's okay with it. We got clearance from your doctor and it's not like we're going out to the public. It's only the top of the building."

"Do I have to wear this?" He asked, pulling at his hoodie.

"Sadly yes. That's the only way Taehyung allowed this. He doesn't want you to get sick."

"It's May and hot as fuck. I'm sure it's not cold outside."

"Not cold but it can get chilly with the wind. How about this, you can roll up your sleeves."

Yoongi sighed, "Yeah. I guess that works."

"Come on! I'm very excited for tonight!" Jimin squealed, grabbing his hand and pulling him as soon as the door opened.

Yoongi ignored the jitters in his stomach as they got to the big white door. Jimin opened it up and stuck a bill between the door so it wouldn't lock behind.

The air was a bit chilly outside and now he was thankful that Taehyung had insisted on him wearing a hoodie.

He struggled to catch his breath with the wind hitting his face. It had a scent to it coming from the flowers and blooming trees.

He smiled looking around him. It was dark, eight to be exact, but the buildings around him were lit up and not to mention it was a full moon.

Finally, he slowly made his way to Jimin and that's when he noticed the telescope and a thick red blanket on the floor with a basket on top.

Yoongi's heart thumped excitedly at the view. It was so romantic and so sweet. Jimin always went above and beyond with his bucket list.

He didn't have to do any of this and he still did without asking for anything in return. It flattered him that Jimin truly cared about him.

Was this what it felt to have a partner? All of these emotions and adventures were new to Yoongi so it was hard to interpret them.

He couldn't tell if it was all in his head and if he was stupidly getting his hopes up. Jimin was simply being nice to him because he had a kind heart.

Jimin enjoyed charity work. He came to entertain sick kids and was even aiming for a career in medicine to help others.

Why would this be any different? At the end of the day, Yoongi was just a sick person who guilt tripped him into pretending to be his boyfriend.

"What's the matter?" Jimin asked after a long moment of silence.

The look on Yoongi's face was an unknown mixture he couldn't put into words. He seemed both happy and sad at the same time. Or was it just disappointment?

"Nothing. You just...you shouldn't have gotten a telescope. You really shouldn't have." He said with the biggest smile.

Jimin grinned satisfied with himself. "Oh, but I had to. How else would we see the stars up close?"

"Jimin you're...you're so kind. I...I don't want you to feel forced to do everything on my list. I appreciate it, but I don't want this to feel like homework—"

"Are you kidding me? I'm not forced to do any of this. I truly do enjoy being with you. Believe me when I tell that you it does not pain me to spend time with you."

Yoongi could see his sincerity and that's when it hit him. Jimin didn't see him as a weak, sick man. He saw him just like any other person.

Jimin didn't pay attention to the fact that he wore oxygen ninety percent of the time, nor that he had a feeding tube on the side of his body. He didn't point any of those things out and hung out with him so naturally.

Bucket List [Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now