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"Why do people say sleep like a baby when babies are known to not sleep at night?"

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook who was staring at nothing in particular while eating a hot fry. "I am not quite sure." He replied a little confused at the random question.

"If a vampire bites a zombie does that mean the zombie turns into a vampire or vice versa?"

Taehyung chuckled, "Those are bizarre questions. Why're you asking all that?"

Jungkook finally turned to him, "Sometimes I just think about random shit."

"I see."

"Hot fry?" He asked, extending the ridiculous large back to him.

"No thanks. I don't do much spices."

"Your loss. It's fucking incredible." He grinned.

It was a very hot day, Jungkook still managed to look very handsome despite the humidity. He was sweating gracefully while Taehyung's underarms were puddles. He could imagine how disgusting he must've looked compared to him.

"We need to sit down for a minute. This heat is outrageous."

"That's fine. How about there?" He asked, pointing to a bench under a tree.


They sat down and Taehyung attempted to roll his sleeves up further even though he was already wearing a short sleeved t-shirt.

"Who invented time?" Jungkook asked.

"Still with the impossible questions I see."

"I tell you what, I'm sure you can answer this next one."

"Alright. I'll try my best, but I tell you I do not know who invented time." Taehyung chuckled.

Jungkook smiled, "Will you go out with me?"

Taehyung's face dropped at the question. He hoped his blush wasn't as noticeable since the heat had made him flush either way.

There was a brief silence and with every second that went by Jungkook's smile slowly faded. "Well, I thought it wouldn't be an impossible question." He laughed awkwardly but it was clearly evident he was hurt.

"Jungkook, I really like you and all but having a label on what we have really freaks me out." He admitted embarrassed.

"Mmm. Afraid of commitment I see."

Taehyung sighed loudly, "Yeah. I am, but I think that I should explain why. Actually, I want you to know why."

"Alright, give it to me. It's my tattoos isn't it?"

Taehyung cracked a smile. He was happy Jungkook was trying to make the situation less uncomfortable, but he grew serious as timed went by.

"I know I've mentioned to you that I was in a relationship before but I didn't mention it was very serious. We started dating my junior year of high school up until a year ago. I loved this girl and we didn't break up over a stupid reason. We broke up because of school and different career paths."

Jungkook tried to not freak out but as soon as he heard the words 'girl' and 'love' his heart shattered a little. He wasn't a girl nor was he loved by Taehyung.

"Our schedules weren't colliding and she got sent to a hospital out of this town. I had this job here and I was willing to leave it, but at the time I was assigned to another person with cystic fibrosis. Then Yoongi came along and it felt wrong to leave him. She didn't want to make me pick between my career or hers so we agreed it was best to split up. I don't want to compare what we have to what I had with her. However, emotionally I don't think I'm ready to date you yet. I enjoy your company and our dates. If you're okay with it I would like to get to know each other better before jumping into labels."

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