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"I hope you trip on your feet."

"That's not very nice." Namjoon frowned.

"I see no dog hairs today."

"I made sure to lint roll my clothes."

"Well great, you got all dressed up to lose today sucker!"

Namjoon smiled, "And you're telling me you're an adult?"

"You guys are good to go in." Jungkook announced after hanging up the phone.

"Great, uhh before we do, I need to talk to Taehyung really quickly. Namjoon you can't go without me." Jin warned with a threatening tone.

"I wasn't planning on it."

"Hey so I wanted to ask if it would be okay to have a little get together?" Jin asked. He made sure to stand in front of Taehyung's way to block his view from Yoongi's room.

Yoongi had plans to sneak out and of course being the good friend that he was, he was facilitating his escape.

"For what?"

"Well, Jeongyeon may or may not get a promotion. So we have to celebrate."

"She may or may not huh? Well you may or may not be able to. I have to clear it through his doctor. You know the protocol."

"Geez. I know but—"

"Don't talk to my friend like that." Namjoon butted in.

"Oh he's your friend? Taehyung and I are friends too, right?"

Taehyung scrunched his nose, "Ehh. Friends is a bit of an overstatement."

"He was my friend first. Are you trying to take him too?" Namjoon asked, a little paranoid.

"I don't even want him. No offense."

"None taken." Taehyung said uninterested in the conversation already.

"I don't appreciate you—"

As soon as Jin felt his phone vibrate, he knew Yoongi had been successful so he stepped away from the desk.  Satisfied one of his missions was complete.

"Fine, fine. Taehyung since you're his friend then I suggest that you pick up his face off the floor because I'm going to mop him with it!"

Jungkook quickly stood up, "I cannot permit fighting in this facility. Especially not in front of Hoseok."

Jin flinched, grabbing onto Namjoon's arm. "Fuck, calm down hulk boy. We're not going to fight. I was trying to trash talk."

"You better not. Or I will take you out." Jungkook warned. Taehyung cracked a smirk because he was kind of sexy being so authoritative.

"Okay, okay. Fuck. Can we please see Hoseok mister sir?" He asked letting Namjoon's arm go.

"Mister sir?" Namjoon asked.

"You know what I meant."

"Yeah. Go on."

As soon as they turned around Jin scooted closer to Namjoon. "And you say I'm the one with anger issues."

"He's pretty scary." Namjoon admitted.

Jin adjusted his shirt and knocked on the door. Namjoon sighed trying to remain calm, but inside he was freaking out.

"Your tie is crooked."

"What? Reall—?" Before Namjoon could finish Jin had already walked through the door.

"Dang it." He murmured walking in after him. Jin already had Hoseok in his arms. He patiently waited for his turn to hug him.

Jin didn't seem content but he didn't say anything like he typically did. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" Hoseok asked with a big smile.

Bucket List [Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now