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"It's so good to see you." Jin said with a big grin as he let go of Hoseok.

He had held him a few extra seconds not wanting to ever let him go. It was harder to see him and not try to let his romantic feelings show.

He wanted to tell him how he felt but was so afraid of being shut down. Hoseok took a seat on his love chair and Jin sat in front of him.

His room was quite different from Yoongi's. It was a neutral color, had two small loveseats and a personal wall of art that consisted of his various drawings.

It was beautifully simple and welcoming. This in fact screamed Hoseok in every aspect. He was especially glad that he hadn't seen the other guy around.

Being alone with him was definitely one of his favorite things. He smiled as he watched Hoseok concentrate on his drawing.

His face always went blank and yet it was so full of emotion at the same time. It was truly astonishing to watch him work.

"What are you drawing?" Jin wondered after a long pause.

Hoseok looked up with a smile. "Something beautiful."

"Can I see?"

Hoseok nodded and as Jin took the time to get up and walk towards him he quickly changed the page.

"That's so cute." Jin said once he landed eyes on a cute chibi boy.

"Why thank you. It is quite cute isn't it?"

"Very cute." Jin responded without even looking at the drawing. He was too fixated on the beauty that was in front of him.

That's when he took a deep breath and decided to go for it. He had waited long enough to confess his feelings. He had marinated then enough that they were close to being burnt.

Now with the new guy hanging around he was afraid he'd lose his chance before even trying. So even though his palms were sweaty and even though his heart was racing uncontrollably he had to do this.

It was now or never. He couldn't picture himself building up the courage to ask him this again. "Hoseok, can I ask you something?" He asked, slowly placing his hand on top of his.

Hoseok didn't think much of it. Jin and him had been good friends for a while now so this wasn't unusual. Not to mention that Jin was a very touchy feely person which he didn't mind.

"Yes of course."

"I wanted to ask if you would like to—"

A rude knock interrupted his question. He slightly turned towards it, pissed off at whoever was knocking.
He decided to ignore it and squeezed his hand a little tighter. Eager to get his question out in the open.

"Hoseok would you like to—"

The knocking was louder this time. Jin sighed, letting go of his hand and standing up. "Is that your nurse? I'm sure he's checked up on you plenty."

Hoseok laughed, "Stop it. He's only doing his job."

"Yeah yeah." Jin murmured annoyed.

Hoseok went back to his drawing as Jin opened the door. The instant repulse he felt landing eyes on Namjoon was indescribable.

Before he could even speak Jin closed the door again. "Who was it?" Hoseok asked.

Jin grinned mischievously approaching him. "It was no one. Before we get sidetracked what I was trying to tell you—"

"That wasn't very nice."

Both Hoseok and Jin squealed, not realizing Namjoon had entered the room. "Can't you see we're having a conversation? You walking in without permission is very rude."

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