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"Hoseok." Jungkook whispered.

"Hoseok." He repeated softer, afraid to be too loud and scare him awake.

He could see Hoseok's chest slightly rise and that's when his eyes started opening up slowly. Jungkook grinned excitedly, but that's when his heart rate shot up to the one twenties.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Don't be scared. You're out of surgery. You're fine. You did great."

Hoseok attempted to move but winced realizing that he had a tube down his throat. "Yeah, you're intubated for now."

Hoseok's breathing was still hectic, he could tell Jungkook was getting nervous seeing him this anxious. Although he was still groggy from the anesthesia he knew one thing for sure.

That he had confessed to Jungkook.

The only reason he did it was because he didn't think he'd make it out, but here he was. And here was Jungkook right next to him.

"I better get the doctor I—"

Hoseok gripped his arm as Jungkook attempted to get up. He didn't want him to leave. Jungkook slowly sat back down, not pulling away from his soft grip.

"Okay I'm not going to leave but you need to breathe and calm down. Close your eyes and try to relax."

Hoseok did like he was instructed and attempted to slow down his racing thoughts. After a few seconds, he could feel himself getting calmer.

Jungkook kept an eye on his heart rate which was in the low hundreds and high nineties. Much better than it was a while ago.

"Feel better?"

Hoseok blinked once and Jungkook smiled. "Good, Good. Your parents are waiting to see you. Before I bring them in, do you want me to send Yoongi a text?"

Again, Hoseok blinked. "Okay I will let him know how everything went. He's a little sick right now so he probably won't respond right away."

The widening in Hoseok's eyes made Jungkook touch his shoulder. "He's okay. Doctor started him on antibiotics. He came down with a little cold but he's fine. Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him. I will let your parents know they can come in okay?"

Hoseok blinked. He wished he could speak. Even if he could, would he truly be able to? Maybe being intubated was a blessing in disguise. What would he even say to him?

Would things be weird between them now that he had confessed? Then like an iced cold bath it hit him. Now that he had a transplant that meant he would eventually leave the hospital considering things went smoothly.

That meant he would say goodbye to Jungkook. The only reason he was with him at the moment was strictly due to his health.

Now that he had a new set of lungs and was on a full way to recovery he wouldn't ever see Jungkook again. How could he ever try to talk to him outside of the hospital when all they've ever talked about was medications and y treatments?

Thinking of asking Jungkook out on a date was surreal. Not to mention impossible. Jungkook was still with Taehyung and Hoseok could not blame him.

Taehyung was the better choice. The prettier choice. The ideal choice. Jungkook smiled before walking out of the room.

Hoseok followed him with his eyes until he disappeared behind the closed door. His heart started speeding up again only this time with fear.

He wished he would've grabbed him a little tighter.


"You're sick?" Jimin asked concernedly through the screen.

"Just a little." A muffled Yoongi responded. "I love your shirt. I'm wearing mine to see." He said pulling his phone further away from his sick face.

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