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Jin nervously rang the doorbell while clutching the cookie container in his hands. Hearing the footsteps get closer to the door made him panic.

Should he just turn around? Leave the cookies at the doorstep with the "Get Well" card? Before he could even think of fleeing, Hoseok's mom opened the door.

She had a bright smile on her face which resembled Hoseok's. She greeted him with a big hug and the whiff of honey and flowers made its way to Jin's nose.

"Jin! How are you sweetheart?"

"I'm doing good Mrs. Jung. I—I brought Hoseok some cookies. I heard he's out of the hospital and he told me where you are staying until he is completely cleared. If—if he's busy you can just give him them—"

"Nonsense! Come in! He's going to be very happy to see you. Would you like something to drink?"

Jin hesitated before stepping in the apartment. It was plain, no bright colors like Hoseok's house but he imagined there were no real decorations considering this was only temporary.

"Water please. By the way, I got tested for flu and everything else before coming here."

"I know honey. You're always very careful. Hoseok's room is the last one down the hall." She commented, handing him a glass of water.

Jin thanked her and walked down the hall. His hands felt full with the cookie tray and the glass of water though they weren't heavy. Maybe because he was so nervous.

The door to Hoseok's room was opened. When he spotted Jin he excitedly waved and was starting to get up but Jin stopped him.

"It's not necessary. I'm coming." He said putting the glass of water down on a nearby nightstand.

There was a chair beside Hoseok's small loveseat so he took a seat because his knees were staring to feel like jelly.

"It's nice to see you. I'm sorry I didn't visit while you were at the hospital. I had been seeing Yoongi and I didn't want to risk carrying a bug."

"That's okay. I understand. It's nice to see you too. Different scenery huh?"

"Yes. I also brought you cookies because well,
I heard that some flowers or plants can steal your oxygen so you know considering..."

Hoseok laughed and winced a little from the soreness on his chest. "Don't worry. I appreciate the cookies. They're my favorites. You know that's a myth."

Jin then noticed the flower pot next to the window. He recalled Namjoon FaceTiming him the day before and asking what he thought of the flowers.

At the time, Jin didn't think much of it. Considering he was waking up from a mind blowing nap so he told him they looked fine. Now he knew why he had been asking.

"Namjoon came to see you?" He asked.

"Yeah! He stopped by yesterday."

"That little..." Jin murmured, bawling his fists on his lap. He took a deep breath and decided to change the topic, "I see you're drawing again."

"Yeah." Hoseok grinned while holding up a notebook.

It was a sketch of a man holding one of his hands over half of his face, it had no actual face, no nose, no lips, or eyes. However, the resemblance was there.

It was Jungkook.

Even without a face, Jin recognized him. He thought about all those times he complained of having to hold Namjoon so Hoseok could draw them.

He would do it again if that meant he'd be drawn by Hoseok.

Hoseok seemed to notice how fixated Jin was on the drawing so he closed his notebook and put it to the side. A small blush crept up his neck feeling guilty about this.

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