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"What did you think of the movie?" Jungkook wondered.

Taehyung thought of how to respond to this. He didn't want to offend Jungkook with his answer and why did he suddenly care what he thought?

"I think it was good. Not amazingly good but I'd rewatch it. What did you think?"

"I loved it! My eyes got teary in some parts. It was funny though."

"Really? It made you teary? It was sad when the little animal died but I didn't get that emotional."

"Ahh no. I'm a sucker for animals. Every time I see one of them die in a movie it breaks my heart."

"Oh really? To think you work with chronically ill patients. You seemed like a tough guy with a cold heart. I don't mean that in a mean way. I truly believe that for our profession we have to have a strong heart in some situations."

"It was hard for me to start my profession. I thought about quitting a lot of times and now that I've been assigned to only one patient it makes it harder for me. I feel for Hoseok. I want him to get better and get a set of lungs. It's tough to see him go through all those treatments."

"I understand what you mean. Having only one patient to take care of allows you to get closer to them in a level that's hard to explain."

"I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way. Do you want to grab something quick to eat?"

Taehyung looked at his watch and then up at Jungkook. He was actually enjoying himself at the moment. The plan was to simply see the movie with him and then go separate ways.


"Great. There's a pizza place right over there. We can walk there if you'd like."

"That sounds good."

As they walked to the nearby pizza place, Taehyung analyzed Jungkook. Through the movie he couldn't really look at him like now.

The sun was bright in the sky, illuminating him perfectly. It was odd to see him outside of his scrubs. He dressed so stylish that it almost embarrassed Taehyung for his outfit.

He wore blue ripped jeans, black leather boots that had a slight platform, black tight t-shirt with an opened oversized one.

Taehyung had also been surprised to see a lip ring on along with his multiple ear ones. At work he didn't wear any jewelry of course but had he really overlooked him so much to not notice?

He was so emo and grunge and cute all at once. How was he this attractive but still a sweet soul? Why was he all of the sudden mesmerized by him?

"Is something wrong?" Jungkook asked. 

Taehyung smiled trying to play it cool. It was obvious being with an attractive person would make him feel this way. He hadn't dated or hung out with others aside from his friends so this was probably happening due to his lack of human interaction.

"Yes. I just really like your outfit."

"Oh yeah? I like yours. You look comfy."

Taehyung nervously laughed, "Yeah I dress pretty boho. I like comfortable oversized clothes. I hate our scrubs. They're so tight they're restricting."

"I like the scrubs on you."

Taehyung cleared his throat and Jungkook quickly spoke up, "They're a nice color. Navy and black really do look good on you."

"Thanks. It looks good on you too." He internally cringed at his awkwardness. What kind of response was that?

Luckily, they got to the pizza place so he didn't have to keep the conversation going. Eating and keeping his mouth full would stop him from acting so strange.

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