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"Namjoon are you sure you're okay?" Jimin asked.

Namjoon looked up from his turtle tank and nodded. "Yes. I'm okay. I'm sad at the circumstances but I will survive."

"Will you really? I've never seen you so quiet. It's creepy." Taehyung added.

Namjoon groaned, throwing himself on the carpet. He kicked his feet and hands like he was throwing a tantrum except he wasn't screaming or making much noise at all.

Jimin and Taehyung looked at each other slightly confused. After a few seconds, Namjoon recomposed himself and sat on the couch.

"Would you guys like some tea? I have flavored water or La Croix."

"Eww. Who the fuck drinks La Croix?" Taehyung said a bit disgusted.

"If you recall I'm trying to quit soda so that's a healthier way I can get that bubbly burn down my throat."

"That's right. Maybe you do need a soda." Jimin commented, still very concerned.

"I'm fine guys. I am heartbroken but I will get over it." He calmly responded.

"Wow. I wish that would've been me after my breakup." Taehyung said.

"It's all about self control. Yoga helps and it keeps you occupied."

"That didn't help me." Taehyung added.

"Well your cases are different. Namjoon didn't really date Hoseok and they've only known each other for a few months. Not trying to take away from the fact that you're heartbroken Namjoon, but in Taehyung's case he dated her for almost ten years. That's a long time."

"I agree to an extent. I really like Hoseok and no measure of time will change that. From the moment I laid eyes on him I was deeply into him."

"That fast huh?" Jimin asked. He could relate because that's how he felt about Chanyeol. Seeing him for the first time had struck him in a way he couldn't explain.


"What about you Taehyung?"


"With your ex did you fall for her instantly?"

Taehyung remained quiet for a second, "I don't think so. I remember being starstruck and deeply infatuated, but I didn't love her until we started dating."

Namjoon and Jimin looked at each other briefly. Regretting bringing the topic up. After the breakup, Taehyung had been depressed for a long time.

They didn't think he would ever recover until one day he stopped crying and grieving. A part of them still believed he had feelings for her. Bringing her up might've not been the smartest choice.

"It's okay to talk about her, you know? I think I've healed enough to speak about her without feeling like I'm throwing up my insides."

"That's good to know. You also seem to be moving on and getting close to the hot nurse huh?" Jimin teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

Namjoon inhaled sharply. He suddenly started thinking of the fact that Hoseok liked the sexy nurse too. He had been extremely disappointed with it, but what could he do?

He couldn't force Hoseok to feel the same. He didn't want to lose him either so if being his friend was all he could do he would do just that.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung noticed the slight discomfort on Namjoon's face.

"For what?"

"Well, because Hoseok likes Jungkook and you know Jungkook and I...we're friends."

"Friends that kiss and touch each other?" Jimin snickered.

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