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"Deep breath." Dr. Choi instructed.

Yoongi inhaled and then slowly exhaled. Dr. Choi removed his stethoscope and smiled, "Your lungs sound great! Chest x-ray is normal and so are your labs. I'm happy to say you've been promoted to a two month follow up instead of every four weeks."

"That sounds good. Thank you."

"Of course. I will get them to schedule your follow up."

"Thank you Dr. Choi."

Yoongi grabbed his car keys and started heading out. At the same time he was walking out, Taehyung was about to head in.

"Taehyung!" Yoongi screamed excitedly.

"Hey! I heard you had a follow up and I figured I'd stop by before starting my shift. How are you? You look really good."

"Thank you. I'm doing great. I've been promoted to two month follow ups."

"Sounds awesome. By the way, thank you for the tray of cookies you sent me and the card."

"Of course. You were my nurse for so long I figured I had to be nice at least once."

Taehyung chuckled, "I miss you."

"You do? Really?"

"Yeah. My new patient is so compliant and doesn't talk back. No fun."

"See, I knew I was keeping things interesting."

"You sure were. Well, I wish you the best. I have to get going before Chan starts freaking out. Take care Yoongi!

"Bye! Take care too!"

Once Taehyung left, Yoongi walked to the appointment window. He was handed his follow up. He folded it and shoved it in his pocket.

Luckily, he didn't have to walk far to his car. The building where he had his follow up was surprisingly close to the parking lot.

His phone started ringing as he was struggling to unlock his car. "Hello? Yes mom. I'm out of the appointment. I'm fine. I'll be back shortly."

Over the last few months, he'd learned to drive. Well, he already knew how to prior to that but being that he was in and out of hospitals he hadn't had the opportunity to keep practicing.

His mom was still having a hard time letting go, but she was getting better at it. Hoseok said the same thing happened with his parents and that it eventually got better.

Suddenly, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stick up. He got a weird shiver down his spine so he turned his face and spotted a...clown?

"Mom. I—I'll be home shortly. Gotta go. I'm about to start driving. You always say safety first!"

Before his mom could argue, he hung the phone and looked at the clown a few feet away. He raised his eyebrows a little confused recognizing who was behind the costume.


"I thought you didn't recognize me." He said, stepping closer.

Yoongi chuckled, "Well you're not in full clown makeup so you're quite easy to recognize. The clown nose isn't much of a disguise. Why are you dressed like that? You hate clowns."

"I do. Yeah. Uhh, I volunteered to do it again. You know saying no to kids is hard."

"I see that." Yoongi grinned.

"I...I knew you had an appointment today and I figured we could talk. I mean the reason I know about your appointment is because you told me. I don't want you to think I'm stalking you or anything."

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