Chapter 1 : Safe House

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This chapter is more of a prologue and explains the backstory for Y/N, I noticed most people stop reading after this part. I just wanted to say that.



You don't know what you expected, you know your family never was the most accepting. But you're their son, you thought it would be different. Yet here you were, packing your things in a rush and it's all your fucking fault. How could you be so stupid?!

You sigh as you stare at your family picture frame, stuck between packing it up or not. They were the people you felt safe with and now? How could you ever come home after this? After a couple of seconds of silence, you shove the frame into your bag, unable to part with it just yet. You need time to really think about what you want and to see how things turn out in the end. You knew that your sexuality was going to be hard to explain but they didn't even hear you out!

As you finish up, you pause suddenly realizing you don't really have anywhere to go... You're not really close to your extended family and you don't know how they'd feel housing someone like you. Your friends, well, they're not that anymore. You can't live in this town, you need to leave. It's so small here, what did you expect to do if the worst came true? Nothing because you didn't think this through, you were stupid enough to hope that your family's love was unconditional. Now due to that stupid misplanning, you have to leave your whole world behind.

You live in Utah for fucks sake! What were you thinking? Had you come out somewhere else maybe it could have been better but no... Your eyes burn as you try and contain the waterworks begging to come out. You quickly grab your duck plush, it's been a prized possession of yours since you were young. Squeezing the non-existent life out of the plush, tears trail down your cheeks. They feel like acid on your skin and you can't help but sniffle while quickly wiping the few tears that escaped.

You quickly pack your little friend up and grab your bag, checking your phone for a second before grabbing your car keys. Maybe it was dumb to come out but at least you weren't dumb enough to have done it when you had no escape. You're 22, your parents are probably happy to have an excuse for their friends about you not living with them now. Who'd want to be the laughing stock of the town if you could very much just outcast that scape goat for your own reputation...

"Deep breathes, Y/N. Deep breathes." You remind yourself before opening your bedroom and rushing downstairs. You head straight to the door, flinching when you hear your mother's voice, quickly ignoring her as you rush out even faster. She didn't follow you, why would she? She didn't want you anymore, she didn't even see you as her son anymore. You made too many mistakes and now you have to face it things will never be the same again, no matter how much you cry or try.

Once you're out, you quickly get in your car, wanting nothing more than to just cry. Cry your heart out and be able to let it all out. But you don't. You don't feel like you deserve to right now, you messed everything up... You sigh as you start the engine while tears threaten to come out again, and you sit there for a minute thinking.Where are you going to go? There's a town nearby, it's a little bigger than your own and around an hour west. You really are doing this. Not like you can just back out now, you already came out and it all went down hill from there.


You jump as you hear a knock on your window, you're surprised as you see your older sister. You hesitate for a second but roll down the window and you can't help but notice the worry in her eyes.

Before you can say anything, she speaks very quickly, "I... I know you're leaving, but I just wanted to say that you're still my brother. I don't have much to say or do but I have a friend in New Harmony and I..." She hesitates, "Maybe you can stay with them."

Your heart hurts for a second, you hadn't expected anyone to help. You don't know what to say and only nod as she hands you an envelope.

"This has around 150 in cash, and their address is here, give it to him... Please stay safe, Y/N." Your sister continues, handing a small slip of paper before running off back to the house.

You clutch the envelope, those tears you tried to fight earlier finally breaking through. You sob quietly, unable to contain your emotions anymore as you hide your face in your hands. It takes a while for you to collect yourself and when you do, you roll up your window. You take a deep breath and search for the best way to New Harmony on your phone, knowing that it's really your only place to go now. It was the plan you were making anyway and now you actually have a place to stay. Hopefully, it's somewhere safe.


Tired of crying, you finally pull up at the address your sister gave you. You hesitate for a second as you climb the few steps to their door for their small quaint house. It was a little smaller than your parents but it seemed inviting. You take a deep breath and knock.


The door opens, and it's a man around your sister's age, he doesn't seem surprised to see you even if he doesn't know you. You struggle to find words to say and he takes the chance to say something, you slowly hand the envelope...

"You're Y/N, right? I'm Damien/Daryl (Choose the other if this is your name.), your sister's friend." He says, smiling reassuringly. He puts the envelope in his pocket, not really caring too much to check it right now.

His smile comforts you and you nod, he invites you in as Damien/Daryl thinks of what to say. It's a little awkward to just open your house for someone you barely know, your sister is 35, and the age gap left you having completely different childhoods. So you don't know this guy yet he let you in his house, you don't know if he knows why you're here. You're scared to ask, you're scared of getting kicked out again.

You don't need to ask though, "Your sister told me about your situation." Damien/Daryl says breaking the silence. You perk up and find some comfort in knowing that maybe you're somewhere safe.

"Thank you for this." You mumble shyly, cursing the tears forming in your eyes once again.

Damien/Daryl smiles sadly at you, "Come on, let me show you your room, it's a little messy. I wasn't expecting guests so excuse it but it's comfortable." He says, his smile makes you feel much better even if it's something small.

You smile back, "Anything is fine, I just want to sleep right now..." you mumble, rubbing your face.

Damien/Daryl nods, grabbing your hand as he leads you to a room. He opens the door and it's a nice small room, he grabs a couple of things and fixes the bed. You lay your things down on the floor and practically collapse on the bed. Damien/Daryl fixes a couple of things before going to turn the lights off, understanding you wanted to rest.

"I'll be in the living room, my room is the room across and the bathroom is next to my room on the right. Okay? Tell me if you're hungry or need something." Damien/Daryl softly says, his voice bringing comfort to you.

"Alright, thank you again." You manage to say and pull the covers over you.

As Damien/Daryl leaves, you began to think about your new life here. You'll probably get a job to pay your sister and Damien/Daryl back, as well as to get your own place soon. You don't want to be a burden longer than you need to. That's your first mission tomorrow, get a job... And with that, you fall asleep...

Wake Up - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now