Chapter 20 : Shut In

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It's been a whole week since the incident you haven't gone to work for a while, it's not that you didn't want to but Henry said you needed some time off. You haven't heard from William since he dropped you off at Damien's/Daryl's place which was after he cleaned the cuts and brought you a new shirt. You want to be mad at William, be petty, and hold a grudge against him after everything but... you can't. You kind of didn't expect it but Damien/Daryl and you got in a mini argument, he tried to convince you to quit but you refused. How else are you supposed to make money? You don't want to be a burden any longer than you really need to...

You've given your id and application form to Henry officially yesterday, it's the first time you've seen how much you make which is fairly good so you'd rather keep it like that. Plus, Henry said he wanted to finish up the official papers so he needed information like that. Henry did seem to try and persuade you against continuing work, which made you confused. He'd only get benefited from this....Though, Damien/Daryl doesn't seem to understand why you won't quit. You kind of brush it off and try to focus on the present, later this week is your birthday, a Wednesday. Not the best day of the week or the place...

Lately, when you think of the diner, you kind of start dreading going back, you may not want to quit but what happened was traumatizing in so many ways. You don't know if you'll be able to even look at Bonnie without having some sort of PTSD moment. So now you've, more or less, just been laying in bed thinking for the past week, you kind of feel lazy and like shit. Moth has been a big comfort though, the fluffy guy has been cuddling with you a lot. You think he knows you're not feeling good...

Due to how sluggish you've been in the past days, you're pleasantly surprised today, Sunday that you're quite energized. You find enough of a push to get up, it's not that you're tired you just can't seem to try. You don't if it's the trauma of the spring locks, the trauma of your family, or something else. But whatever it is, it's been pulling you down by a dramatic amount...

Once you finally get up, you decide you'll get ready for the day, you can't afford to really be lazy today. You've only got one paycheck in your time here and that's only because Henry pitied you so he decided to pay you for the whole week. Which is good for you yet you still feel bad, it was your stupidity in trusting William that led to what happened. And the fact that he hasn't said anything to you? William has to know he did something wrong, right?

After you get up, you can't help but look in the mirror to see the cuts in which cover your arms and legs like Christmas ornaments. It makes you uncomfortable, all you hope is that they heal without a trace. You run your finger across a couple of them, they're not really that deep just it's an excessive amount. Much worse could have happened, if William hadn't pulled you out the way he did... You'd rather not think about it.

Now that you're up from the bed, you change into a comfortable grey sweatshirt, and a pair of black joggers and you slide on your black slippers. You can't help but think back to the shirt you lost due to the spring locks, William did say that the lace would mess it up. But he didn't even try and urge you to take it off, William just notified you about it and brushed it off. It was such a nice shirt, thankfully you have more but still... Damien/Daryl took you out to get some while you were "recovering" and you've been able to buy more clothes.

A knock on the door gets your attention, you walk over to the door and open it, "Yeah?" You ask, obviously, it's Damien/Daryl. He's wearing a nice plain white dress shirt with a black vest and dress pants. It's simple but formal.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you, I just wanted to check in on you." Damien/Daryl says, hands in his pockets as he leans against the door way. His messy brown hair is neat today, he must have something important with how he's presenting today.

"Oh I'm fine, I'm doing much better today. I think I'm going to go for a walk later." You respond, smiling sweetly as you fix your shirt slightly.

"Alrighty, I actually have work today so I'll be home late. So I'll see you later?" Damien/Daryl asks, getting ready to turn around and leave.

"Yup, that's good. Take care, Damien/Daryl!" You answer, giving him a surprise hug rather suddenly.

"See ya..." Damien/Daryl mumbles quietly, this flush of color on his tan face as you pull away.

And with that, Damien/Daryl walks away with his work bag already in hand. It's kind of motivating you to work, sadly Fredbear's is closed on Sundays. You began to think about the diner and now that you think about it...You kind of miss the vibe and emotion you got from being there, you haven't experienced it long but the feeling was very nice. The aura was something you could get used to, the feeling of being happy and satisfied with the little things in life. Like a child.

A sudden beep from your phone makes you pull it out, you're pleasantly surprised to see a message from William. More or less the last person you'd expect to text you since he's basically been ghosting you. Regardless, you read the message.

"Hey, sorry we haven't spoken in a while since you know... Can I ask a favor? :) PS: How are you?" It read you're curious as to what he needs so you answer.

You take a second before typing up your response, "Hi William :) Uh sure? What's up? PS: I'm good, you?" You respond, trying to contain all the questions you have about the two of you because you're utterly confused.

"Could you watch Evan and Elizabeth, sorry it's sudden. It's just they like you. Michael ran off with his friends and I have a meeting relating to the Diner. PS: I'm good too. <3" William texts back, making you smile as you read it. You missed his kids even if you barely know them, they're really sweet, even Michael.

Then you blush slightly when you see the little heart, "Awww, sure! Right now?" You type back as you try and ignore the obvious tease in his message.

"Yeah right now, I'll pay you. And sorry again if I'm disrupting you." William answers, you roll your eyes at his apology. He really doesn't need to apologize, you already said sure.

"No need to say sorry, I needed something to do either way. :) Just send me your address and I'll be there in a few." You send, happy to do this but a little anxious.

William sends his address and you make sure to copy it down just in case before sliding on proper shoes on. As well as a nice jacket to keep you warm as the days have been getting even colder now. Even if you both haven't seen or talked to one another for a while, you still feel excited to see William again. Sure, you'll only see him as he leaves but still. Plus you'll see his kids, other than Michael sadly, so that's great. What a way to pull you back into society after being a temporary shut in.

You grab your things, straightening your clothes before heading to the kitchen. Once you're there, you pet Moth on his head gently as he purrs before saying bye. You head to the door and leave in a kind of fast pace, as soon as you're out, you began to walk in the direction of William's home. The walk isn't long, around 5 minutes and you find yourself in front of a fairly wide house. It's cute and simple, you slowly walk up to the door and knock.

The door opens up quickly and your eyes meet William's dark blue pair, it's a sight that makes you fuzzy. He's dressed in a nice white button up with a dark purple tie, a matching jacket, and black slim fitting slacks that accentuate his figure. You notice a smirk find itself on William's face, you blush realizing neither of you has said anything yet.

Wake Up - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now