Chapter 10 : Passing Time

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As you follow behind William, you can't help but long for something more than friendship with this man. You have tried to push these emotions and thoughts aside as much as you could. But with all of his actions, words, and just the way he looks at you, it's like he's trying to give you signs. And you don't know what to do with that. If he is genuinely flirting with you, is it more than just casual flirting or are you just a game to him?

Living in a small town all your life really surrounded you with people you knew, so it took you forever to realize you liked guys. And when you did, the idea of even having a boyfriend seemed impossible. All of the guys you knew? They either had girlfriends or were very proud to flex about how they liked girls. You really didn't fit in, you still don't. You're the outsider in the town and...

"Y/N? Do you want me to walk you home after I drop my kids off at my house?" William suddenly asks.

"Oh, um you don't need to. Damien's/Daryl's place is pretty close..." You mumble, smiling at his offer.

"Damien/Daryl. He's a reporter, right? I thought I recognized him the first day, I remember his name better than his face..." William asks, obviously recalling something.

"Uh yeah! I'm staying at his place for a bit..." You respond softly.

"He treating you well?" William asks, obviously teasing, "Because if he's not, you can come to sleep with me." He flirts, your face burning up again.

"Haha. No thank you, Mr. Afton," you tease back, "I'm just trying to earn money to get my own place."

"Mmm. Well, I can throw in a bonus on your weekly pay check if that'll help." William says, but you thought he was playing for a second then realized he's serious.

"No, no. It's fine, I don't need um.. pity money." You answer as William guides you and his kids outside the shop.

"Pity money? I'm just paying what I think you're worth, sweetheart." William chuckles, he smirks when you blush once again. He's a flirty jerk, anytime he sees your blush calms down, he flirts or teases you again. But you can't deny that his attention feels pretty good...

Michael just stares at the two of you, unimpressed, "Can we go home now?" is all he says.

William sighs, "You sure don't want me to walk you home, I'm perfectly fine doing so..." he insists.

"It's fine William, really." You respond, smiling.

"If you say so..." William responds, disappointment clear in his voice.

While you'll admit you find him attractive and he did buy clothes for you, you barely know him... Plus it's not a long walk, you'll be fine... Knock on wood.


Once you get to Damien's/Daryl's place, you reach for the keys that he gave you. You unlock the door and enter, you smile when Moth rushes over to you. His tail swishes slightly as he rubs against your legs, and loud purring escapes the feline's mouth.

Your ears perk up at the ding of notification on your phone and quickly pull your phone out. You roll your eyes when you see who messaged you. It was William and it was a simple question, "You get home safe?"

You reply with a "Of course," as you walked towards the couch, and sit down. Moth hops onto the couch and stretches a little, clawing at a pillow. Your phone dings again, it was a reply from William.

"That's good, also... Heard you were extra early today. As much as I enjoy enthusiasm, it'd be better to be a little early since you don't have keys to the place." It reads, you think for a second before answering.

"Yeah, that makes sense. But why were you so lateee?" You type out with a giggle.

"Because I can. Gotta go, Michael's being a pest. Take care...<3" Williams texts.

You blush slightly at that little heart and reply with a small, "Alright, you too. :)"

You set your phone down and pet Moth behind his ears, he rolls around and stretches. You gently rub his fluffy belly as he coos as a little bird would. You never had pets growing up, you tried to convince your parents to get a golden retriever but... Nothing happened. You never really saw yourself as a cat person but Moth is an adorable little menace as he kicks your hands away from his belly. You giggle and just pat his head one last time.

You turn around when you hear the door open, it's Damien/Daryl and he looks a little stressed...

"Hey! You okay?" You ask, getting up to greet him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a tiring day at work..." He says, groaning as he tired rubs his face, "How was your day?" Damien/Daryl asks.

"Oh, it was okay. Didn't really do much, got turned into a normal worker though, so there's that." You say with a shrug.

"You got demoted?" Damien/Daryl asks, a surprised look on his face.

"No, no! William just said he really didn't actually need an assistant and apparently, it was just a joke the first time he said it?" You mumble while laughing, a slight blush on your face when you remember when you first met William.

"Oh alright, I got worried, Y/N. Like, what did you do?" Damien/Daryl jokes, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"Oh come on, you do not actually think I would get demoted that fast, do you?" You tease, chuckling in return.

Damien/Daryl playfully rolls his eyes as he unloads his bag, pulling out his supplies so he can put them on the table. Damien/Daryl looks up and makes eye contact with you for a second, his eyes darting away rather quickly. You raise an eyebrow but brush it off as Moth rubs against Damien's/Daryl's legs, you chuckle slightly. You decide to pick up Moth, holding him like a little baby as he meows softly.

"Hi, Moth, how are you doing bud?" You whisper, rubbing your face into his luxurious and sleek black fur.

"Oh hey Y/N, do you want to go out in the morning to get breakfast? There's this nice cafe that I really like, you want to try some tomorrow?" Damien/Daryl asks, smiling at you.

You fake gasp, "Like on a date?" You joke before chuckling.

"What? Of course not!" Damien/Daryl blurts out, his face bright red.

"I'm just playing with you," you say, laughing still, "But seriously, that sounds great!" You chirp out happily.

"A.. Alright, cool. Uh be up before and ready before 8 AM so you're not late to work, okay?" Damien/Daryl mumbles.

"Yep yep! Sounds good!" You giggle out, "Anyways, I'm going to bed, so night Damien/Daryl. Night to you too Moth!" You say, smiling sweetly.

"Oh, good night to you too, Y/N." Damien/Daryl says, still a little flustered from what you said earlier.

You walk off and head to your room, tossing yourself onto the comfy and cozy bed. You snuggle into the blankets, really tired from a stressful day. You don't really want to express this to Damien/Daryl because first, he has had a long day too, and second, you don't want to be a burden, he's done so much for you, he shouldn't have to listen to your problems. And three? You would just rather not...

As you lay in bed, you hear your phone ping and grab it, William is texting you again. You read it, "Hey, idk if you're awake. sorry for leaving so suddenly. Again lol. But you saw how my kids get :("

You can't help but laugh at the message, it didn't give the same vibe he has in person, it was much more childish. It was cute. You respond, "I'm awake, you don't need to apologize, it's all good" you text back.

"Alright, that's good to hear. I wanted to check up on you, I hope I wasn't too much for you on your first day? ;)" He texts back, taking a minute. The wink emoji making you roll your eyes, he's still a tease on messaging it seems.

"I can assure you that if I didn't like working with you, I would have said something :P" you text back tiredly.

"Alright then, I'm heading to bed so see you tomorrow?" William replies.

You just send a little thumbs up and turn your phone off before setting it down. It doesn't take long for you to fall asleep, you were already fairly tired. The sound of the wind from your window whisks you away to rest...

Wake Up - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now