Chapter 21 : Baby Sitting

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"Hello," William greets simply, yet that single word in his usual silky tone has an effect on you, it's just poetic to hear in your opinion. Which is embarrassing to admit.

You awkwardly try to make conversation, trying to distract yourself from staring like usual, "So, what is your meeting about, William?" You ask softly, regretting it when you realized you may have just come off as intrusive or nosey.

"Just some things about the diner, nothing important. Oh, come in." William says briefly as he holds the door open so you can enter which makes your heart flutter at his little civic act.

You slowly go inside, a little flushed to be going inside his house for some reason, "Uh alright then, how long are you going to be out?" You question, William hopefully won't be gone too long because you want to talk to him. No reason in particular but just to spend time with him.

"Just an hour and a half, maybe two. Not long, just call me if you need anything. I don't really know what Michael is up to, don't leave if he does come back." William says, fixing the cuff of his sleeves, "I actually want to talk to you in person when I get back..." William admits with a smirk as you just nod along to his directions

There's something about the way William said that which sent shivers down your spine, what could he possibly have to say? Your curiosity has peaked like a mountain at daybreak, you shake your thoughts away and keep up with the conversation. Even though you want to think about a billion different things he could possibly say or ask...

"Is it serious?" You ask a little hesitation clear in your voice as you speak and you can't help but think you might be coming off as an inconvenience.

William takes a second before answering, "Uh, not really. I wouldn't say so." William replies, seeming to have to remember what the meeting is even about, cute. He gives a small shrug before he leans against the wall with a simple smile on his face.

"Okay, are you leaving now?" You say while tilting your head when you say your question. Jeez, you're asking a lot of questions... you're not annoying, right? You feel like you are.

William nods, "Yep, gotta be there early, or else Henry will be pissed off since this is more important than normal work. The kids can give you the tour if you need help with finding places." William responds, fixing his look in one of the mirrors on the wall. His house has a very nice, simple yet also slightly extravagant vibe which in your opinion really explains William's personality well.

You laugh slightly, "William being early? Impossible." You joke, almost automatically reaching out and fixing William's tie ever so slightly. You blush when you realize what you just did and pull away as you curse yourself out in your head.

William chuckles slightly at both your joke and your action, "Alas, I must go. The kids are in the living room, make yourself at home. Take care, Y/N." William simply says as he opens the door, making sure it's locked before leaving while you do a shy wave.

"Bye." You mumble even though he's already gone, you take a deep breath and walk in the direction you hope the living room is in.

Thankfully, your sense of direction doesn't fail you and you find yourself in the living room. Evan and Elizabeth are seated on the couch, switching between channels as they eat bowls of cereal. Both of them seem to notice you at the same time, Elizabeth's eyes immediately light up while Evan tilts his head slightly. You awkwardly wave, you don't know if they knew you were coming...

"Mister Y/N! You're our babysitter?!" Elizabeth says with a slight squeal in her voice, you guess they did know someone was coming just not you.

Evan waves happily, and this sweet grin crawls its way up his cheeks, "Hi," he greets quietly.

Wake Up - William Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now