About Me + Face Reveal

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So, I am here. You can already read the title and guess what I am doing.

And ya, For The readers of Professor Noona, I have one question. I have asked it in this part. Make sure to read and tell me in Comments.

I will be telling a lot but about myself and my face reveal. I didn't got 10 comments but, I can't let the others who commented wait. So, I decided to just show myself.

My picture is at the last.
Now, something about myself.
Firstly My Introduction.

My Name- Ivna

My Age- 16

Edit- My 17 will be complete in 3 months and 18 will be running. 

Birthday- 27 July, 2006

I am in 11th class and will be in 12th class till mid March.

I am preparing for IIT JEE.

I got this question very often and I will answer this one too.

Q. How do you write stories?

A. With my phone. Using my hands to type in the the keyboard.

Just joking 😝😛

I actually never plan. I just open the app and start writing. That time whatever comes in my mind first, my hands type them and then it becomes a chapter.

Q. How much time does it take you to write?

A. Maximum 20 minutes and minimum 15 minutes for a chapter more than 1000 words. At starting I used to take 20 minutes for a 500 words chapter only but now I can worte double than that in the same time.

Q. Who is your role model/inspiration?

A. Bangtan Sonyeondan. (BTS).
My Unnie and some of my friends
And lastly My younger brother.

Q. How do you manage stories with your studies?

A. I have a full time table set for my studies. I usually take breaks for half an hour. And in that time, I write stories. Or have my food. It depends.

Q. Do you parents know about you writing stories?

A. They do. My Mom got to know last December, while My Dad got to know this January.

So, ya, they didn't knew before but I told them. And they didn't had any problem with it. They were proud of me.

Q. What is your hobbies?

A. I love dancing and singing. I am not that confident about my singing.
But I am confident with Dance. I have been dancing from the age of 3 till now.

And I have won many awards too with Dancing.

Apart from that I leaned Karate 🥋 and self for 7 years, I guess.

And then ofcourse Writing stories also.

Q. When did you became an Army?

A. Mid 2021. (PTD era)

Q. Who is your bias?

A. I guess everyone knew after reading my stories. Then also
(Hoseok, Jhope, Sunshine, Jay.)
Whatever you call him.

Q. The first member you noticed? And how?

A. Hobi.
I watched a video known as "BTS introducing themselves in English. And Hobi introduced him with the line

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