chapter 19

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                    Authors pov

In Turkey,

Ne demek istiyorsun, Abraham kardeş? Anam benim aşkım. Onu nasıl başkasına verebilirsin?" Emir öfkeyle bağırdı.

"Emir, sadece ezan sırasında yüksek sesleri severim, başka hiçbir kişiden değil," diye öfkeli bir şekilde yumruğunu sıktı.

"Abraham kardeş, yüksek sesimi duymak zorundasın. Aşkımı nasıl başkasına verebilirsin?" Öfkeyle parmağını işaret etti.

"Unutma, senin aşkını söylediğin kişi, kız kardeşimin kocası. Senin onun üzerinde hiçbir hakkın yok. Şimdi dur," diye öfkeli bir şekilde bağırdı.

"Emir, öfkeyle revolverini çıkardı ve Abraham'a doğrulttu."

"Abraham, Emir'in aptallığına gülmekten kendini alamadı. Senin aptal olduğunu biliyordum, ama bu kadar ileri gideceğini bilmiyordum," dedi.

"Birdenbire, Abraham silahı Emir'in elinden aldı ve ona doğrulttu."

"Biliyorsun Emir, seni kız kardeşim için uygun biri sanıyordum, ama aptallığın beni yanılttı," diye gülerken söyledi.

"Benim Anam'ı istiyorum. O benim aşkım. Onu hiç kimsenin kölesi olarak göremem," dedi kararlı bir şekilde.

"Eğer kız kardeşimin adını tekrar anarsan, valinin oğlu olduğunu unutacağım. Ve senin köle dediğin kişi, kız kardeşimin kocası," diye öfkeli bir şekilde tehdit etti.

"Senin tehditlerinden korkmuyorum. Anam'ı alacağım ve yanımda tutacağım. Onu almak için Dishan Mailk'ın ölü bedenini bile geçmek zorunda kalırsam geri adım atmam. Bunun farkında ol," dedi ve oradan ayrıldı.

(What do you mean, Abraham brother? Anam is my love. How can you give her away to someone else?" Emir shouted in anger.

"Emir, I only like loud voice of  Azan, not from any person," he said, clenching his fist in anger.

"Abraham brother, you have to listen to my loud voice. How can you give my love to someone else?" He said, pointing his finger in anger.

"Remember, the one you're talking about as your love is my sister'. You have no right over her. Stop it now," he shouted in anger.

"Emir took out his revolver in anger and pointed it at Abraham."

"Abraham couldn't help but laugh at Emir's foolishness. I knew you were foolish, but I didn't know you would go this far," he said.

"In a sudden move, he took the gun from Emir's hand and pointed it at him."

"You know, Emir, I thought you were worthy of my sister, but your foolishness proved me wrong," he said, laughing.

"I want my Anam. She is my love. I can't see her with anyone else," he said firmly.

"If you mention my sister's name again, I will forget that you are my governor's son. And the one you're talking about as a slave is my sister's husband," he said, threatening in anger.

"I am not afraid of your threats. I will get Anam and keep her with me. Even if I have to cross Dishan Mailk's dead body to get her, I won't back down. Remember this," he said and left.)

In Lucknow

"Please Biwi, let me love you. Let me claim you as mine. Please let me make you mine completely. I wanted to wait for you to feel the same way I do, but they are forcing me to divorce you. They are questioning our marriage. This is the only way, Biwi. Let me make love to you. Please, I am afraid to lose you. They will snatch you from me if I don't claim you as mine completely. I will lose you, and I can't afford to lose you," he said with lots of emotion and tears in his eyes"

On  seeing Dishaan, a dominant and tough man, begging in front of her, tears welled up in Anam's eyes. She was surprised that a man like him, who was dominant and agressive, is afraid of losing her and is begging for her. Anam couldn't hold back her tears and, while sobbing,  she said to him

"Dishaan, I do not want to be the reason for your destruction. Please do not give me so much importance. He said in a painful voice that I am not worthy of his life."

"Biwi  you are  my life, not destruction." He said as he pressed her cheeks between his palms.

"I don't want to become another Rabail Ahmed t, Dishaan. I don't want to be the reason for your suffering. Daneen phupho was right when she said that I am Abraham Ahmed's sister. Bloodshed and enmity are the truth of my life, and it can never change. I don't want to increase your enmity by associating myself with you."

"Please free me from this relationship, I am not worthy of you." She said while crying and sobbing

Upon hearing this, Dishaan, with tear-filled eyes and  anger, kissed her lips angrily, then placed his forehead against hers and said, "I can't leave you. If I were to remove you from my heart, I would die." Tears started to flow from his eyes.

"Don't ruin yourself in obsession, Professor." Anam said sobbing

"You're not my obsession, you are my love. And if the path of this love leads to ruin, then I am willing to be ruined." He said calmly

"Professor, why don't you understand? Please listen to what daneen phupho  says and divorce me and get married to siyal." She said with hiccups

"Don't test my patience, Anam. I won't divorce you, nor will I marry anyone else. You are my property, and I will keep you as my own." He said, controlling his anger.

"Professor, please understand me....."

Before she could finish her sentence, Dishaan put his finger on her lips and silenced her.

"I don't need to understand anything, Anam. I don't want to divorce you, and I don't want to talk about it any further he said with dominance

"After seeing the emotions in his eyes, Anam started looking at him with soft eyes, both silently watching each other with emotions held back."

"Then Dishaan kissed her again and began to undress her, but Anam held his hand and stopped him, saying, 'I am not asking for a divorce, nor am I leaving you, but I need time to understand my own emotions and feelings. I am not ready to have physical relations with you yet. It is your right over me, and it will always be, but please give me some time. Don't let  your anger and emotions take control your mind.' She said pleadingly."

"Dishaan looked into her eyes and understood her state, he said softly, 'I am ready to give you as much time as you need. As long as you listen to me and never mention the word divorce.'she said with emotions as well as dominance,
Anam nodded submissively"

She is not submissive at all, but whenever she is around Dishaan, she automatically becomes submissive in front of his possession and dominance, which surprises her the most. That, why there is an urge to surrender herself to his possession rose in her heart.

Without saying anything, Dishaan carries her in a bridal style. She trembles at the sudden action and holds Dishaan's neck tightly with both hands to support herself from falling.

He can't control his laughter seeing her childish behavior. He can easily lift her as she is too tiny compared to his tall, rock frame.

He walks towards the bed carrying her in his arms, lays her down on the bed, and lays beside her, putting his head on her chest and his hand around her waist.

She feels too shy laying beside him in this close proximity, but to her surprise, she is enjoying his warmth without any disgust or discomfort.

"I will tell everyone about our marriage tomorrow," he thought to himself.

"Undoubtedly, marriage is the most beautiful and powerful relationship in the world, which has the strange power to bring two strangers together." - sHe thought to herself.

Just then, Dishaan took her hand and started trailing her finger in his hair , Anam understood his intention and slowly started patting his head.

Both lay silently in pindrop silence, listening each others heart' beat , without saying anything

Then Dishaan lifted his head towards Anam. Their eyes met, and then he kissed her forehead before putting his head back on her chest. After a while , he fell into the most peaceful and beautiful sleep of his life. In embrace  of his innocent Biwi.

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